PUB: Wells Festival of Literature

2011 Competition

Preparations for the 2011 competition are now complete and we are very pleased to say that Peter Wyton (poetry) and Maria McCann (short stories) have accepted our invitation to act as judges. 

How to enter.  Leaflets are available through local libraries and a national writing magazine, and you can print an entry off this website.  Postal entry is available as usual, and you can now enter on line.  

Please note new format for announcing winners.  All entrants to the competitions are invited to attend on Sunday 16 October - Open Sunday.  There will be opportunities for you to read your own poem to an audience, to buy a booklet of the short-listed poems, and to vote for the one you like best.  Only at the end of the day will the judges announce the results - including the Festival's Favourite Poem - and award the prizes.

Please keep an eye on the website for developments and updates.

Prizes will be as last year.

  • 1st Prize, £500
  • 2nd Prize, £200
  • 3rd Prize, £100
  • Wyvern Prize, £100.  (Reserved for entrants who live within the postal codes beginning BA, BS, and TA.)
  • Fee per entry (i.e. single poem or short story) will be £5.  So if you submit, say, 3 short stories or poems, the total fee will be £15.
  • Closing date for receipt of entries will be Sunday 31 July 2011.