The Seventeenth Annual White Pine Press Poetry Prize competition will open for submissions on July 1. The award consists of a $1,000 cash award and publication by White Pine Press.
Manuscripts must be between 60 and 80 pages in length. Poems must be original, but may have appeared in magazines, anthologies, or chapbooks. Translations are not eligible.
Manuscripts must be postmarked by November 30th. They must be typed and should include a table of contents. The author’s name, address, email address, and telephone number should appear on the cover sheet only. Manuscripts will be recycled at the end of the competition. Please include a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope with your submission if you wish to be notified of the results.
Manuscripts must include a $20 entry, reading, and processing fee. Checks should be made out to White Pine Press. The manuscript, along with a self-addressed, stamped postcard for notification that it has been received, if so desired, should be sent to:
If you send the manuscript via express mail services, the manuscript should be sent to:
Manuscripts are screened by the editorial staff, and a poet of national reputation makes the final selection. The name of the final judge is not revealed until the end of the competition. We alternate between a male and a female poet each year as final judge.
Due to the large number of entries received, manuscripts cannot be returned.
1996 - Nancy Johnson, Zoo & Cathedral
1997 - Doborah Gorlin, Bodily Course
1998 - Jacqueline Johnson, A Gathering of Mother Tongues
1999 - Joel Long, Winged Insects
2000 - David Keller, Trouble in History
2001 - Stephen Frech, If Not for These Wrinkles of Darkness
2002 - Sandra Castillo, My Father Sings to My Embarrassment
2003 - John Sorowiecki, Watching Cartoons Before Attending A Funeral
2004 - Frances Richey, The Burning Point
2005 - George Looney , The Precarious Rhetoric of Angels
2006 - Roy Bentley, The Trouble With A Short Horse in Montana
2007 - Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Paper Pavilion
2008 - Al Maginnes, Ghost Alphabet
2009 - Ansie Baird, In Advance of all Parting
2010 - Kelli Russell Agodon , Letters from the Emily Dickinson Room
2011 - Alexander Long, Still LifeCopies of these books should be available from your local bookseller. If you cannot find them, they may be ordered directly from the press for $12.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.
White Pine Press | P.O. Box 236 | Buffalo, NY 14201 | (716) 627-4665 (Voice) | (716) 627-4665 (Fax) | wpine@whitepine.org