PUB: William Matthews Poetry Prize > Asheville Poetry Review

The 2013 William Matthews Poetry Prize

Asheville Poetry Review will accept entries for the third annual William Matthews Poetry Prize from September 15, 2012 through January 15, 2013.

First Prize: $1,000, publication in Asheville Poetry Review, and a featured reading at Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville

Second Prize: $250, publication, and a featured reading

Third Prize: Publication and a featured reading

Final Judge for 2013: Patricia Smith

The final judging process will be “blind” (all identifying information will be removed from the poems).

All submissions will be considered for publication.

Postmark Deadline: January 15, 2013

Send 3 poems, any style, any theme, any length, with a $20 entry fee (payable to Asheville Poetry Review) to:

William Matthews Poetry Prize
c/o Asheville Poetry Review
PO Box 7086
Asheville, NC 28802