PUB: Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Award

Windsor Fringe Festival 2012






Amateur playwrights are invited to submit unpublished one-act plays for the NINTH  Drama Writing Award. Three winning scripts will be selected for performances during three Drama Nights at the Windsor Fringe Festival in October and the winner of the £500 prize will be announced on the last night (judged  purely on the writing). Submissions must be received by the 5th of March 2012.



Only amateur playwrights are eligible; only one script per author will be accepted. Each play must be an original work by the entrant, and submitted scripts must not have been previously published or performed.



Each play must be no more than 30 minutes long, have a cast of no more than six actors, and be suitable for staging in a studio theatre.


Submission guidelines

So that each script may be judged anonymously, the author’s name must appear on the cover page only, not in the script. Writers should submit two copies of their plays, printed on loose sheets of A4 paper with no binding or stapling. Pages must be numbered. No submissions will be accepted by email; no scripts will be returned. The cover page must show the name of the play and the author’s name, contact details and signature. A £5 reading fee will be charged per entry. Please make cheques payable to Windsor Fringe .Scripts should be sent together with the reading fee to:

The Windsor Fringe Drama Writing Award

Suite 640, 24-28 St Leonard’s Road

Windsor, Berks. SL4 3BB  U.K.


Selection process

All submissions will be evaluated anonymously by our panel of readers, and the final short list by our judges. Last year, they were Jenny Seagrove and John Adams. 2012 judges to be confirmed.

The three winning authors will be notified by the middle of June 2011. Results of the competition will be announced through the media, the Windsor Fringe website and to writers groups receiving this notice.

The Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Drama Award will underwrite the staging of the three plays with selected directors.

For additional information: Ann Trewartha tel: 01753 863218 

e-mail: ann.trewartha@btinternet.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it



K BranaghWindsor Fringe is proud to announce that actor, director and writer Kenneth Branagh has generously agreed to sponsor this year’s Drama Award.

The deadline is now passed and the three winning plays are with our selected directors.

This year we have received 145 scripts from 12 countries worldwide: Canada, the USA, Sweden, Switzerland, France, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and Eire.

For more information click onto drama...