PUB: Wordrunner eChapbooks

A few hundred years ago, chapbooks were pamphlets of popular tales or ballads, hawked in the streets for pennies. 21st century echapbooks are the contemporary equivalent with the potential for reaching many more readers than do limited print editions.

Wordrunner eChapbooks publishes four collections of fiction, poetry or memoir (personal narrative) per year on this site, each featuring one or two authors, and an occasional anthology.

We don't simply post stories in these pages. We collaborate with authors to edit their work and each collection has its own professional design. All authors are paid and there are no submission fees.

Honoring the "E" in echapbook, hyperlinks to photos, videos, background articles, maps, poetry and artwork add a kind of immediacy that only web-based publication can provide.

SUBMISSIONS will be accepted from July 1 to August 26, 2012 for the fall 2012 anthology (fiction, memoir and poetry). This will be our 14th echapbook.

Previously published echapbooks may be read in the ARCHIVES.

Please visit the site again and often. We will be offering our readers a wide variety of original, high quality writing in the years to come.

Click here to sign up online for quarterly email reminders of each issue and upcoming submission deadlines.


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