PUB: Wordrunner eChapbooks Submissions


Submissions are open for the Winter 2012 MEMOIR / PERSONAL NARRATIVE echapbook from October 1 through November 25, 2012.

The Winter 2012 echapbook will feature one author.

Prose narratives should be based on personal experience. They may be flash or longer, from 500 up to 3,500 words each, totalling a minimum of approximately 8,000 and a maximum of 16,000 words for the collection.

These narratives should belong together for some reason, be it theme, location or people. They can be funny or serious, or both, but something should have changed for the narrator or have been learned in the process of reshaping that experience.

At least one-fourth of the collection should be previously unpublished, either in print or online. (But no stories need be previously published.)

Click here to submit to Wordrunner eChapbooks via submishmash.

General guidelines:

Submit ONE FILE (Word doc, RTF, ODT or WordPerfect). (Please do not send docx files, thank you!)

Please do NOT include identifying information anywhere in the manuscript, as readings are blind.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but only one submission per author. Please notify Wordrunner eChapbooks if your work is accepted elsewhere. We prefer that you withdraw the submission from your Submittable account. Alternately, you may write directly to

There is no fee for open submissions.

Payment: varies, up to $65

All rights revert to authors.

Note: By submitting to Wordrunner eChapbooks, you are also signing up for the quarterly emailed announcement of newly published echapbooks. We will never give out your e-mail to anyone else. You can always opt out of the mailing.

Click here to sign up online for quarterly email reminders of each issue and upcoming submission deadlines.