Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks publishes quarterly online collections of fiction, poetry or memoir (personal narrative). Guidelines are different for each collection, so please visit again.
(Updated 3/6/2011)
Collections of poetry by one author will be considered for the summer solstice, 2011 e-chapbook, to be published around June 21.
Submissions will be accepted beginning April 1, 2011. Last day to submit is May 31, 2011.
Submit a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 24 quality poems on any theme. Any style, any length, but no shaped poems, please. Please read back issues of poetry in the e-chapbook archives before submitting. Send us your best.
General guidelines:
At least one-third of any collection should be previously unpublished.
Email manuscripts to editor@echapbook.com with POETRY SUBMISSION in the subject line. Attach only ONE FILE (Word doc or RTF or WordPerfect), which includes a title for the collection and a list of contents, followed by the poems. (Please do not send docx files, thank you!)
In the email, indicate which, if any, poems were previously published and where. Do NOT include this information or your name in the document, as the readings will be blind.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but only one chapbook collection per author. Please notify Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks if your collection, or any part of it, is accepted elsewhere.
There is no fee for open submissions.
Payment, per echapbook: $65.
All rights revert to authors.
Note: By submitting to Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks, you are also signing up for the quarterly emailed announcement of newly published e-chapbooks. We will never give out your e-mail to anyone else. You can always opt out of the mailing.
If you would like to receive these quarterly email announcements, write to echaps@wordrunner.com to be added to the mailing list.
The featured e-chapbook
for spring 2011 is Grace, Selected Stories by Robert Moulthrop.
Submission Schedule 2011
Submissions will be open for 2011 e-chapbooks, as follows:
Submission dates
Publication Date
January 1 through February 21, 2011
March 15, 2011
April 1 through May 31, 2011
June 22, 2011
July 1 through August 21, 2011
Fiction anthology
September 15, 2011
October 1 through November 21, 2011
December 15, 2011
There will be no fiction contest in 2011.