The Writers' Circle will accept submission starting January 2010. To confirm arrival, include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Deadline: June 10, 2010. Final Judge: Randall Albers, Chair of Fiction Writing Department, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Albers has a long and distinguished career as an educator and author.
- Cover page should include: title of work, author's name, address, zip code, phone, e-mail, as well as permission for judges to read work(s) submitted. Cover page must be signed by the author.
- Mail entries to: The Writers' Circle, 1087 Warwick Ave., Warwick, RI 02888
- Original unpublished work, only.
- Maximum words: up to 1000.
- Standard size white paper, stapled together.
- Title of work must appear on each page.
- Typed or word processed.
- Up to 2 entries allowed. Send copy only.
- Double spaced, not double sided.
- Entries returned with correct SASE only.
- Administrative charge: $10 each entry.
- First place: $500 and publication of story.
- First place winner and artistic merit nominees notified August 2010. Names will appear in a national press release.