THE 2011
Gemini Magazine
Grand Prize: $1,000
Second Place: $100
Four Honorable Mentions
Entry fee: $4
($3 for each additional entry)
Deadline: August 31, 2011
Maximum length: 1,000 words
All Six Finalists Will Be Published Online in the
October 2011 Issue of Gemini.Absolutely no restrictions on content, style or genre.
Simply send your best, most powerful work.Why such a low entry fee for a major contest? So EVERYONE
can have a chance. We publish both new and experienced
writers. Our 2010 Flash Fiction Contest marked the first
fiction publication for both the Grand Prize and Second Place
winners. (See results of our previous fiction contests below.)TO ENTER BY EMAIL:
1. Click "Donate" and pay the $4 entry fee
($3 for each additional entry).("Security code" is on back of credit card; if you didn't
receive confirmation number, transaction was not processed.)2. Paste confirmation number and previously unpublished
story into body of email and send to:">
NO attachments. Do not include bio—just your story and
contact info. Enter as many stories as you like; $4 fee for
first story, $3 for each additional story. Total the entry fees
into one payment:2 stories = $7
3 stories = $10
4 stories = $13
7 stories = $22TO ENTER BY SNAIL MAIL:
1. Mail entry with $4 check or money order, payable to
Gemini Magazine, to:Contest, Gemini Magazine
P.O. Box 1485
Onset, MA 02558 USA(include $3 for each additional entry)
postmark deadline: August 31, 2011