PUB: Zone 3


Creative Nonfiction Book Award
First Book Award for Poetry
Zone 3 Literary Awards 

Zone 3 Press
Creative Nonfiction Book Award
Prize: $1,000 and Publication

• One copy of your manuscript of 150-300 pages.
• Two title pages: one with name, address, e-mail address, and phone number and one with title only.
• An acknowledgments page may be included.
• $25.00 reading fee made payable to Zone 3 Press. Reading fee includes a one-year subscription to ZONE 3 Journal.
Postmark Deadline: May 2, 2011.

Eligibility and Additional Considerations:
•The competition is open to all authors writing original works in English. Manuscripts that embrace creative nonfiction’s potential by combining lyric exposition, researched reflection, travel dialogues, or creative criticism are encouraged. Memoir, personal narrative, essay collections, and literary nonfiction are also invited.
• The final judge is Lia Purpura.
• In order to ensure the integrity of this award, current and former students and faculty of APSU are not eligible to enter. In addition, Zone 3 Press will not accept manuscripts from contestants who have previously studied with, or have a personal relationship with the announced judge. Zone 3 Press is committed to providing an ethically responsible competition; as such, the editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that display any form of ethical impropriety.
The winner will be notified by e-mail or telephone.
• Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard for confirmation of manuscript receipt.
• For contest results, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Manuscripts will not be returned.
• The judge may choose no winner if she finds no manuscript that, in her estimation, merits publication and the award.
• Questions should be addressed to Amy Wright at  or Susan Wallace at

Send entries to:
Amy Wright, Acquisitions Editor
Zone 3 Press
Creative Nonfiction Book Award
Austin Peay State University
P.O. Box 4565
Clarksville, Tennessee 37044 

Zone 3 Press
First Book Award for Poetry
Prize: $1,000 and Publication

One copy of your manuscript of 48-80 pages.
• Two title pages: one with name, address, e-mail address, and phone number and one with title only.
• An acknowledgments page may be included.$20.00 reading fee made payable to Zone 3 Press. Reading fee includes a one-year subscription to Zone 3.
Deadline: May 1, 2012.

Eligibility and Additional Considerations:
Anyone who has not published a full-length collection of poems (48 pages or more) is eligible; those with chapbooks may participate.
•The final judge will be announced.
•In order to ensure the integrity of this award, current and former students and faculty of APSU are not eligible to enter. In addition, Zone 3 Press will not accept manuscripts from contestants who have previously studied with, or have a personal relationship with the announced judge. Zone 3 Press is committed to providing an ethically responsible competition; as such, the editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that display any form of ethical impropriety.
•Winner will be notified by e-mail or telephone.
• Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard for confirmation of manuscript receipt.
• For contest results, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Manuscripts will not be returned.

•Questions should be addressed to Blas Falconer at"> or Susan Wallace at wallacess@apsu.

Send entries to:
Blas Falconer, Acquisitions Editor
Zone 3 Press
First Book Award for Poetry
Austin Peay State University
P.O. Box 4565
Clarksville, Tennessee 37044 

Zone 3 Nonfiction Award

Zone 3 is accepting submissions for its new nonfiction contest. Prize: $250.  Submit one essay with SASE and $10 entry fee to: Zone 3, APSU, P.O. Box 4565, Clarksville, TN 37044. No deadline.  All entrants will receive a one-year subscription.  The winner will be announced in the Fall 2011 issue of Zone 3.

Zone 3 Fiction Award

Zone 3 is now accepting submissions for its annual fiction award. Entry should include a cover page with your name, address, and the title of your story. The entry fee is $10 and includes a one-year subscription to Zone 3. No deadline. Please send to Zone 3, APSU, P.O. Box 4565, Clarksville, TN 37044. The winner will be announced in the Fall 2010 issue of Zone 3. Prize: $250 and publication.

Zone 3 is pleased to announce Valerie Vogrin as the winner of our tenth annual Zone 3 Fiction Award for her story “Expedient,” which was published in our Spring 2010 issue.  

Zone 3 Poetry Award

ZONE 3 is pleased to announce Gabriel Spera as winner of the Evelyn Scott Poetry Prize for his poem “Opossum."

ZONE 3 is now accepting submissions for its annual poetry prize. Your entry should include a cover page with your name, address, and the title(s) of your poem(s). Entry fee is $10 and includes a one-year subscription to Zone 3. You may submit up to three poems (with SASE) to Zone 3, APSU, Box 4565, Clarksville, TN 37044. No deadline.  The winner will be announced in the Spring 2012 issue of Zone 3.  Prize: $500 and publication.