PUB: Zouch Magazine’s LIT BITS Fiction Contest - ZOUCH


Remember, it can be about any topic, in any style set in any time period so long as it is 140 words or less! Be creative. Keep it short, as short as you want.

Formats: We will read DOC and RTF documents (NOTE: PDFs are not accepted)
Spacing: We don’t care.

Your Name (required)

Your Email Address (required)

Your Website or Blog

Twitter ID

Title of LIT BIT

Sending ...


Having difficulties with our form? Pls email info {AT} zouchmagazine {DOT} com.


1st Place Story
1 Steampunk Pendulum Art Clock from Ostlund Custom Works (valued @ $175)
Story will be published in Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1
1 Free Copy of Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1

2nd Place Story
1 Large Retro Typewriter Moleskine Cover from Julien Denoyer
Story will be published in Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1
1 Free Copy of Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1

3rd Place Story
1 Medium Vintage DANBO Robot Moleskine Cover from Julien Denoyer
Story will be published in Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1
1 Free Copy of Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Edition #1

4th-14th Place Runner Ups
Story will be published in the Fiction Section of Zouch Magazine Online


Open to International residents. Shipping charges may be applied to winners residing outside North America. Contest begins July 20th, 2011 and ends on September 20th, 2011. Prizes are courtesy of Ostlund Custom Works, Julien Denoyer and Zouch Media. Ostlund Custom Works, Julien Denoyer and Zouch Media or Magaine will not be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of any winners of a prize once possession has been taken of the product by winner.

Entering the Contest, Judging and Contacting

Entrants may ONLY SUBMIT ONCE to Zouch Magazine’s LIT BITS Fiction Contest. Only submissions sent using the form located on Zouch Magazine’s LIT BITS Fiction Contest page will be entered into the contest. All submissions MUST be less than 140 words. Any submissions containing more than 140 words will be immediately disqualified. Submissions will be judged on their literary merit, creativity, resourcefulness and originality. Please proof read your submission before entering. Submissions with errors, typos and other forms of technical mistakes may be judged accordingly.

Winners will be chosen by the Zouch Media/Magazine team between Sept 20th, 11:59pm – Oct 1st, 2011. Winners of all contests will be contacted via the email address used to enter the contest, and the person receiving and replying to the winner announcement email will be considered the winner unless they specify another person within the reply email as the winner. ZOUCH Magazine will mail the contest prize to the address supplied by the recipient of the winner announcement email. Only one entry per email address will be considered for contest entry. No person may enter any contest more than once using multiple email addresses. Claiming of prizes requires an email response to ZOUCH Magazine from the winning sender email address within 15 days of being notified of winning at the email address supplied. Failure to respond shall mean that the winner forfeits the prize. ZOUCH Magazine is not required to award elsewhere any prizes forfeited by the chosen winner(s). As of the date of launching this contest, the publication date for Zouch Magazine Hardcopy Issue #1 is unknown but in development.

Awarding Prizes

Each prizewinner must supply ZOUCH Magazine with his/her legal name, mailing address, birth date, daytime and nighttime telephone numbers. Winners may not request substitutions of prize winnings. All winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or fees, and all such additional costs that may be incurred. Neither ZOUCH Magazine, ZOUCH Magazine sponsors, nor employees of ZOUCH Magazine or sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of any winners of a prize once possession has been taken of the product by winner. ZOUCH Magazine is not liable for any loss arising out of or in connection with or resulting from any contest promoted by ZOUCH Magazine. If the specified prize becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, ZOUCH Magazine may substitute a prize of like or equal value. Management, employees and families of ZOUCH Magazine are prohibited from winning any prizes awarded by ZOUCH Magazine. ZOUCH Magazine reserves the right to alter any rules of any contest at anytime. If you have any questions or complaints about this ZOUCH Magazine contest, please contact us.