SEXUALITY: sex is not a goddamn performance « blkcowrie

sex is not a goddamn 



Sex is not a goddamn performance.

Sex should feel as natural as drinking water.

It should not require confidence.

Sex should happen, because the moment is ripe.

Ripening lips, ripening labia, ripening cock, ripening pupils, ripening state of being. Ripe and augmented and brimming. Your energy goes to your pumping heart, then to every external nerve, then to theirs, on fire.

You bask, roll, play in it. You sigh, moan, laugh.

It’s not about being “good in bed.”

It’s about being happy.

One should never worry if they’re doing it “correctly.” Sex is not factual. I don’t want your cookie-cutter sex, I don’t want your meticulously crafted, calculated, fool-proof fuck. I don’t want a show. I want you. Let your instincts, urges and whims define that. It’s enough.

What do most girls like? Forget about it. Statistics are meaningless when there’s only one. Hello, here’s me. Here’s you.

Don’t worry about taking it too slow. We got time. We got infinite rhythms, combinations, possibilities. Explore each fuck. Take our time. We can do a different one later.

Don’t worry about making me come. I’m here. Right where I want to be.

I am overwhelmed by wanting; you don’t have to convince me. I want you because I like you. So don’t put on a front. Don’t taint this.

I’m frustrated—it’s just authenticity I want.

It’s originality.

It’s passion.

It’s joy.

Don’t say that something I like is ugly. Don’t compare yourself to the rest. You will live and die with and within your experiences like everyone else. If someone thinks you are amazing, they are not wrong. Their universe is as real as any other; it is forged through perception.

I don’t care if you accidentally slammed my head into the wall, if you slipped out, if my arm cracked, if the delightful pressure of your wet lips on my anything made a silly sound. There is no right way and no wrong way.

“Good in bed,” what.

You’re good in my bed. I’m pleased you’re there. I feel it suits you.

Shove your technique. Let your memory swallow it. Fuck me like you’d fuck me, fuck me like you feel.

This isn’t a test.


1 response
I agree with basically all the person is saying...The picture of the woman's breast is a hard on for me and I'm 61 ...How I would love too savory those tits...let me add my 2 cents to me the most important sexual organ is the mind and your imagination is more important than knowledge of sex per se....
I don't think someone can teach you about sex, it sort of a innate thing and the more spontaneous the better...Too many are hung up on getting it right the first time round, not realizing you got 12 more rounds to go...the only way I can explain it is let your natural flow and rhythm be your guide...
You know growing up you hear it all kinds of off the wall stuff over sex and some had created a mtythology around sex that was completely nonsense...the question begs out why so many have a problem with a natural human function ? Can this be part of the human condition ? And too me the answer lies in the very fabric of Society...the educational system and the church , your social going and coming play a part in your dis-ease over sex...I have ran out of gas, don't know anything else to say bout the wet spot in my bed...
I know I'm gonna get a lot of flak for what I come forward with next: It's not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness" Karl Marx....people in this society must find ways to fight the conditions and remove the straight jacket on people's emotions that cause these hang ups within their social being...