VIDEO: Afrikanism > from Black Nerds Network + Fela concert


We've been feverishly acquiring new skills at our HQ in Dalston! We've been piecing together this old Fela footage and learning how to do animation to bring you this rather nice vid with original music by Ogheno(


The music and Video are called Afrikanism.


We hope you like.


Ps. Its worth watching the vid on youtube itself as its in widescreen!!

Stills from the video


Afrikanism Video




Nigeria - African Music Legends - Fela Kuti in Concert 1


1 response

Dear Literary Artist,

The Poet Band Company is asking for poetry(maximum,40 lines and prose (maximum,300 words) to be submitted for possible publication in “THE POETRY EXPLOSION NEWSLETTER”(THE PEN),issued quarterly(January,April,,July and October). JULY’S ISSUES ARE DEDICATED TO ROMANTIC POETRY!!!

We published poems and prose pertaining to all subjects(love, holidays,etc.) and in any form(sonnets,haiku,rhyme,non-rhyme,free and blank verse). Simultaneous and pre-published submissions are accepted. Bio-sketches are optional. Presently, we are not paying monetarily, but if your works are selected, we’ll mail you a free copy of the issue in which they appear.

Send us your best!!! All submissions must be typed and of “camera ready” quality. Submit a maximum of five works(and a L.S.A.S.E. with the correct postage if you want your works that are not accepted for publication to be returned). Also enclose a $1.00 reading fee(good for up to five submissions). Make your Check or Money Order payable to : Arthur C. Ford

P.O. BOX 4725
Pittsburgh,Pa. 15206-0725

Note: If sending currency from another country, please send International Coupons(2 per dollar amount) or a Money Order or Check written in U.S. dollars from a U.S. bank.

If you have never been published, this may be your chance!!

Thanks for your love of the written word!!!!

Subscriptions: $20.00 yearly (4 issues) or $38.00 for two years. Send $4.00 for a sample issue. Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, $30.00 U.S. Dollars for 4 issues or $58.00 for two years.

Advertising Rates:

Size One issue Four Issues

1/8 page $10.00 $35.00(Save $5)

¼ page 20.00 $60.00(Save $20)

½ page 40.00 $120.00(Save $40)

Full page 80.00 $270.00(Save $50)

Ads must be “camera ready” and printed in black and white. Logos are accepted.

Yours in Words,


TOLL FREE NUMBER-1-866-234-0297

Bio-Sketch of: Arthur Charles Ford,Sr.

Arthur C. Ford,Sr. was born and raised in New Orleans,LA.

He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Southern University in

New Orleans, where he also studied creative writing and was a member

of the Drama Society. He has visited 45 states in this country and

resided for two years in Bruxelles,Belgium(Europe).

His poetry(lyrics) and prose have been published in newsletters,

journals and magazines throughout America and Canada.

His book,”Reasons for Rhyming”(Volume 1), will be released in

the near future.

Mr. Ford currently resides in Pittsburgh,PA. where he continues to

write, edit and publish a quarterly newsletter entitled “THE POETRY