VIDEO + AUDIO: ◄ The Many Voices Of Lauryn Hill::: NPR Interview ► > from WELL AND GOOD

◄ The Many Voices Of Lauryn Hill::: NPR Interview ►

I have mixed messages about interviews, as usual, but all things must be considered to move forward. One thing people have to consider is that artist have lives and children and responsibilities. If my favorite artist stopped making records, I would not be mad. The problem with fans is that they always want new material and get spoiled. If I had one song of my favorite artist to live by, that's enough. One song can change and guide you through life. That's why Lauryn or any artist like her would never have to make another record again for me to be satisfied. "Humble thyself and jah will guide". Disregard the corny voices in the interview and/or opinions and skip to Lauryn.