Because Your Black

September 29, 2011
by Tom Devriendt

From Chicago. Auk5 channelling H. Rap Brown. That’s Adis One on the trumpet.




Classic [ TalentedAsKB]


<p>AUK5- Classic [ TalentedAsKB] from TalentedAsKB on Vimeo.</p>

AUK5 is a passionate sound thriving Artist/Producer from the Midwest. From Milwaukee, WI straight to Chicago. Out and working Wise toward the Sound of the Future. 

His sound is unique and can be described as music that is alive, with much feeling in it. He developed and created his own sound working diligently in his studio for 3 years +. As a Producer he works with each artist individually, creating a signature sound solely based off that artist's presence and need. 

AUK5 the artist is Hip Hop, he emcee's from a political angle. His lyrics go hard, each line encasing a jewel and lesson to be learned. His lyrics are both powerful and uplifting, speaking to his people giving them reality as he sees it. His voice is that of a man who has been through life and come out with a solid understanding, it's aggressive and commands one to truly listen to the message.
