Big Kenyan Music Break
A while back I stuck my foot in my mouth and said I don’t listen to a lot of Kenyan music. True that. But Kenya is a lion and you know what the Swahili people say about lions: usimuone simba amenyeshewa ukamdhani paka (don’t mistake a lion that’s been rained on for a house kitty). Point is: the Kenyan music scene is no house kitty. Meowwww! Now, let’s move to the videos.
Is it just me or are Kenyans always inventing new dancing styles every week? I’m starting to think it’s just me. This is the Furi Furi dance. I have NO idea what Furi Furi means.
Eish, man! This track by Eko Dydda is tight kabisa. See if you can spot cameos of Daddy Owen now and then in the video:
Shad is a Canadian rapper born in Kenya to Rwandan parents. I dedicate this track to all the women in my life. Yeah, you, and you, and you, and you:
Shad wrote a song about the Rwandan genocde. Warning: the video is extremely graphic. See it here.
Posted on October 29, 2011 by Kweli