VIDEO: Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth

Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth

A short documentary looking at the situation in Central Africa

About The Film

Millions of Congolese have lost their lives in a conflict that the United Nations describes as the deadliest in the world since World War Two. United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, invaded in 1996 the Congo (then Zaire) and again in 1998, which triggered the enormous loss of lives, systemic sexual violence and rape, and widespread looting of Congo’s spectacular natural wealth.

The ongoing conflict, instability, weak institutions, dependency and impoverishment in the Congo are a product of a 125 year tragic experience of enslavement, forced labor, colonial rule, assassinations, dictatorship, wars, external intervention and corrupt rule. Analysts in the film examine whether U.S. corporate and government policies that support strongmen and prioritize profit over the people have contributed to and exacerbated the tragic instability in the heart of Africa.

Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that the United States and its allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century. The film is a short version of a feature length production to be released in the near future. It locates the Congo crisis in a historical, social and political context. It unveils analysis and prescriptions by leading experts, practitioners, activists and intellectuals that are not normally available to the general public. The film is a call to conscience and action.

Friends of the Congo holds the rights to the film. This film can be freely distributed, duplicated and screened on the web, in public places, or at home. It cannot be broadcasted on TV networks.

Interviewees: Mbepongo “Dedy” Bilamba, Adam Hochschild, Maurice Carney, Claver Pashi, Gregory H. Stanton, Yaa-Lengi Ngemi, Anneke Van Woundenberg, Howard W. French, Dan Fahey, Kambale Musavuli, Nita Evele.

Graphic Design by Marcus Price.

Thank you to Congolese artist Hugo Million for donating his song for film.

Special thanks to the many volunteers and supporters who donated their time, energy, and resources to help make the film a reality.

Copyrights 2011 The Filmmakers and Friends of the Congo. All Rights Reserved.

About Friends of the Congo
The Friends of the Congo (FOTC) is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. The FOTC was established in 2004 to work in partnership with Congolese to bring about peaceful and lasting change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), formerly Zaire.

Raise the consciousness of the world community on the challenge of the Congo and support Congolese institutions in bringing about a peaceful and lasting change.

A peaceful and prosperous Congo wherein Congolese are able to fulfill their enormous human and natural potential.