Docu-Drama On
Trial Of Black Slave
Accused Of
Burning Down Montreal
Gets DVD/VOD Release
News by Tambay | January 30, 2012
Intriguing docu-drama here, I profiled several months ago, with an unfamiliar narrative, and one I'd very much like to see, and will now have an opportunity to since it's being released on DVD and digitally via iTunes next week.
Here's the story to recap:
Black Hands - Trial of the Arsonist Slave investigates... the story of Marie-Josèphe Angélique, a Black slave accused of burning down Montreal in 1734. After an epic trial, this untameable slave is tortured and sentenced to death. But was she really guilty of this crime or was she the victim of a bigger conspiracy? Why this voluntary amnesia about this unknown page of Canadian history? A fascinating documentary that powerfully mixes interviews with historians and theatre re-enactments, filmed in the same style as Dogville by Lars Von Trier.There's a feature-length narrative film to be made of this particular story; but don't hold your breath though.
Produced by Bel Ange Moon Productions which was founded by sisters (and black Canadians) Tetchena Bellange and Bianca Bellange, the docudrama has played at several international film festivals since last summer.
The production company announced last night that the film will be available on DVD and on iTunes on February 7th, which is next week Tuesday.
Price? $14.99, so not too bad for a slice of *forgotten* black history.
Watch the trailer below: