In ‘Survivor–Living Above
the Noise’, Sex Trafficking
Victims Share Their Stories
In America, human sex slavery is more prevalent than one might think. Between 2008-2010, more than 2,500 incidents of human sex trafficking were investigated.
Sex trafficking victims are more likely to be African-American (40 percent). After months and sometimes even years of abuse, many of these women somehow are able to escape, but oftentimes the mental scars remain.
Survivor: Living Above the Noise tells of life after sex-slavery and abuse. Actress Brook Bello shares her story of survival from rape and sex slavery and how she was able to overcome suicidal thoughts, pain and addiction. Brook partnered with the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute to expose the problem of sex trafficking in the African American community.
In the documentary, Brook travels to the Middle East and rediscovers herself. There, she becomes free of the guilt and shame of her past while hearing stories of young girls and women who have survived sex trafficking there. Written, directed and produced by Brook, the film also has other stories of abuse, molestation, drug addiction, sex slavery by the voices of the victims and those who worked tirelessly to soothe their minds and restore their spirits.
“Through the film, I speak for those who didn’t make their way out,” Brook told to a group of African-American female leaders in March. “I speak for the prostitutes on the street.”