VIDEO: Episode 1 Of New Web Series “The Chronicles” (A Day In The Life Of A Black Actress) > Shadow and Act


Episode 1 Of New Web Series

“The Chronicles”

(A Day In The Life

Of A Black Actress)

And the web series beat goes on… I’ve got an inbox full of these, and need to unload them (I know, I’ve been slacking). Starting today, and over the next several days, I’ll sort through and post those that I think stand out above the others.

The first is from Sasha Compere, an LA-based actor/writer who recently started production on a web series called The Chronicles, which she co-wrote and co-directed along with Lauren Boumaroun.

The Chronicles follows a day in the life of a black actress (played by Sasha), as well as other characters, and gives the audience a comedic look at the ups and downs of the entertainment biz.

Sasha says she’s just getting started with it, and has produced an episode 1, which I’m sure she hopes generates some interest in further episodes.

As an aside, as I’ve said several times on S&A in the past, create your own opportunities… in short; especially if you belong to any one of several marginalized groups (ie, not white and male). The web is a viable and highly accessible frontier. Use it! If you fail, you fail. But at least make the effort; Ya never know.

All I can do is point to the success of one Issa Rae and her Awkward Black Girl series, which is doing so ridiculously well for her right now; likely beyond anything even she imagined.

Off my soapbox…

Take a look at episode 1 of Sasha Compere’s The Chronicles below, and leave your thoughts if you have any (another new web series will be posted tomorrow):