Watch Episode 4
Of Dennis Dortch's
New Series
"The Number"
(Or The 1 Thing
You Never Discuss
w/ Your Fiancé)
Continuing on with episode # 4 of Dennis Dortch's hilarious new web series titled The Number, or "the one thing you never, ever discuss with your fiancé."
Written and directed by Dennis, and produced by Numa Perrier and Jeanine Daniels, it stars Chasen Allen and Jessica Shelby.
In this episode, titled Many Many Men, Jason confronts Melissa on her past fling with Mike Williams.
Episode 1 debuted back in November of 2011 (I embedded it again below for those who missed it); and it's followed by episodes: #2, #2.5 and #3; and underneath those you'll find the current episode, #4.
Here's episode 1 titled The Intro:
Here's episode 2 titled Meet Lisa, Sister-In-Law:
And here's episode 2.5 titled Meet Mike Williams:
Episode #3 titled The Engagement Party, the longest one yet:
And the current episode, #4 titled Many Many Men: