VIDEO: Exclusive: VTech and Mochilla Meet Jay Electronica in New Orleans - The Sounds of VTech

Exclusive: VTech and Mochilla Meet Jay Electronica in New Orleans

by Joy on Mar.08, 2010, under Behind the Scenes, Mochilla, Other, VTech, Video



“Your entire community is gone…

You can’t go home, it doesn’t exist anymore”

-Jay Electronica

In the weeks after Hurricane Katrina, Coleman and B+ were invited to New Orleans to screen Brasilintime and to make photos by the folks from Common Ground. Documenting the damages and the obstacles people were faced with to rebuild what was lost. In five days they had made enough images to have a benefit show at Self Help Graphics in LA.

Three years later on Halloween Weekend of 2009, VTech invited Mochilla back to New Orleans again - to attend the Voodoo Festival and to meet with Jay Electronica - New Orleans favorite representative – well, besides the Saints!

This video was shot that weekend. Though Jay proved to be quite elusive during our stay, we managed to get him over to his beloved Magnolia Projects in the Third Ward. His memories of growing up there and what it means to be there now stand as a striking reminder to all those of us lucky enough to escape these kinds of unnatural disasters.

It has taken us a second to bring you this video but the events that have occurred over the past few weeks mean that the message hasn’t lost any of its potency.

Take a minute to remember…

<p id="video_threefourthreesix_info" class="foxyvideoinfo" style="margin-top:0;width:640px;font-family:Arial;font-size:10px;"><span style="float:left;margin-top:6px;">The Sounds of VTech / jay_elec_3rdward_v5b </span><br style="clear:both;"></p>




The Sounds of VTech / jay_elec_3rdward_v5b