Featured Filmmaker:
Nev Nnaji
Nev Nnaji’s “Reflections Unheard: Black Women in Civil Rights” reflects upon the marginalization of black women in the Black Power and Feminist movements and raises awareness of the intersectionality of race and gender oppression. Documenting Civil Rights through the voices of women of the movement, “Reflections Unheard” considers the issues of the 1960s and 70s which echo for black women, even today. Director Nev Nnaji has been working diligently on the film the past year, despite resource challenges. The clip, below, demonstrates the importance of this work-in-progress, and the urgency for the full realization of this film. Learn more about the project and support the film’s completion on Director Nev Nnaji’s Indiegogo campaign.
Nev Nnaji is a film student at Boston University, and the founder of her independent film production company, Yello Kat Productions.
“Reflections Unheard: Black Women in Civil Rights” is her first feature-length documentary, and has offset her mission to create media that is relevant to the black female experience in America. Her interests include Racio-misogyny studies and the cessation of sexual, emotional and spiritual violence against women. Prior to her University education, Nev lived in a Nigerian boarding school for two years, during which she found her voice. You can follow her work on twitter, connect with her on facebook, or visit her website. For the last year, Nev has diligently worked on “Reflections Unheard” outside of her course of study. At thit time, the film is urgently in need of funding. You may find out more and help support this important project at Nev’s Indiegogo campaign.