VIDEO: from Shadow And Act » You Have To Watch Erykah Badu’s New Video For “Window Seat!”

You Have To Watch Erykah Badu’s New Video For “Window Seat!”

Damn!! That’s all I’ve got to say. Be sure to watch it all the way…


The inspiration from Matt & Kim below (thanks Andre!):

Picture 10



Messages from Erykah Badu's Twitter (@fatbellybella) 

   can i ask a question please?about 2 hours ago via web




 moneyfollowsme  @fatbellybella The problem with opposing groupthink, is once you are liberated, you are forced to ask who you are.about 2 hours ago via web
Retweeted by fatbellybella and 11 others




 AMILLB430  @fatbellybella people live behind so many masks they don't know how not to & when you do it's abnormal 2 them so the violently oppose itabout 2 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to fatbellybella Retweeted by fatbellybella and 8 others




 MitchKapler  Thank you @fatbellybella aka Erykah Badu!! Window Seat video is refreshing!! I wish more artist stood for SOMETHING. . . 2 hours ago via HootSuite Retweeted by fatbellybella and 10 others




@peaceloveCHANEL understood .about 2 hours ago via web in reply to peaceloveCHANEL




@LV2BATC according to the original intent of the definition can u find a way it can be good? #groupthinkabout 2 hours ago via web in reply to LV2BATC




@MayerHawthorne wanna do a song with uabout 2 hours ago via web in reply to MayerHawthorne




 MayerHawthorne  LOL go 'head girl! Love thyself! You are an inspiration, trust. RT @fatbellybella: was holding belly in , trust .about 2 hours ago via Echofon Retweeted by fatbellybella and 6 others




@MayerHawthorne sheeeeitabout 2 hours ago via web in reply to MayerHawthorne




 moneyfollowsme  @fatbellybella groupthink defends current myths, because they know that a challenge 2 their beliefs means danger 4 the group & their safetyabout 2 hours ago via web
Retweeted by fatbellybella and 8 others




@ArtIsLifeNY sorry lolabout 3 hours ago via web




 ArtIsLifeNY  @fatbellybella is leaning on tht RT button.. Killing my phone battery!about 3 hours ago via UberTwitter Retweeted by fatbellybella and 4 others




 urban_elegance  ya know @fatbellybella is so right! As soon as youre YOU or NUDE as the video represents someones always ready to take you down!! #Inspired!about 3 hours ago via web
Retweeted by fatbellybella and 14 others




 BohemianLady  RT @BohemianLady @fatbellybella a man named Willam H Whyte developed the word in 1952 and first declared it in fortune magazine. #Groupthinkabout 3 hours ago via twidroid Retweeted by fatbellybella and 2 others




 Hollywood_Trey  ...My mom told me, "@fatbellybella's just sharing her soul w/ us. U'll understand later" I do...about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck Retweeted by fatbellybella and 11 others




 Chocolatelocks  RT @fatbellybella: RT @Chante1983: @fatbellybella GROUPTHINK origin = the novel 1984 by George Orwellabout 3 hours ago via UberTwitter Retweeted by fatbellybella and 4 others




 PAD9779  @fatbellybella Groupthink, a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972)about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to fatbellybella Retweeted by fatbellybella and 3 others




 PoeticBluKitti  @fatbellybella #GROUPTHINK People who follow whatever story or policy is handed to them without question.about 3 hours ago via web in reply to fatbellybella Retweeted by fatbellybella and 8 others




 SptLghtPGH  @fatbellybella the ultimate in mindless/voiceless bitchassness = GROUPTHINKabout 3 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to fatbellybella Retweeted by fatbellybella and 7 others




 Dimplez_86  @fatbellybella so apparently William H. Whyte coined the term in 1952, in Fortune magazine:about 3 hours ago via web in reply to fatbellybella Retweeted by fatbellybella and 1 other




 moneyfollowsme  @fatbellybella "groupthink" to lack the intellectual faculties to defend themselves & objectively assess the nature of events on their own.about 3 hours ago via web
Retweeted by fatbellybella and 16 others




@iEuros wrongabout 3 hours ago via web in reply to iEuros




 amanidakar  @dzignenvy Honestly I do not understand the concept of the video in relation to the lyrics (#groupthink vs. escapism) @fatbellybellaabout 3 hours ago via web in reply to dzignenvy Retweeted by fatbellybella and 1 other