The film was written and directed by 26 year-old USC grad Ryan Coogler and stars Michael B. Jordan, Octavia Spencer, Tristan Wilds and Melonie Diaz. The film was produced by Forest Whitaker.

Variety reports on the Sundance deal:

The Weinstein Company is wrapping up a deal to acquire “Fruitvale,” a drama based on a tragic true story that was written and directed by 26 year-old USC grad Ryan Coogler.

Deal is worth between $2 million and $3 million and guarantees a sizable theatrical release, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.

Shadow & Act has more details on who was bidding:

And what distribution companies are in the mix? The biggies, like The Weinstein Company, Fox Searchlight, with Paramount Pictures and Focus Features.

In fact, word from Deadline is that buyers are calling it this year’s Precious or Beast Of The Southern Wild, as in the little indie film that goes on to capture audiences and critical acclaim, as it travels throughout the year.

Below you can watch the Q&A panel held after the film’s premiere at Sundance.

(The video does not have best audio and you may need headphones to make out some of the words.)