Ali Santana is a visual artist from Brooklyn New York. With an interest in the moving image and storytelling through the medium, his work is inspired by community, music, travel, nature and food. Ali creates moving images in the form of short films, video art, live visuals and interactive multimedia experiences.He has been working with the moving image for over 10 years and freelances on a regular basis for various clients in film and television including MTV. Ali is also a member of The Santana Project: a creative, collaborative, interdisciplinary, intergenerational organization of the Brooklyn art family of Marilyn Nance, Al Santana, Ali Santana, and Rafia Santana. Ali and Rafia Santana mine their parents' deep archives of moving images, photographs, memorabilia and cultural software to produce remixed and rein-visioned mashups of their work for interpretation by a new generation.
Ali is currently experimenting with rhythmic video editing and videoinstrumentalism; which he mixes and composites video live, often accompanying musical acts.