VIDEO: “Grown in Detroit” (Nature Takes Over A City) > from Shadow And Act

“Grown in Detroit” (Nature Takes Over A City)

Mother Nature picture 2 presskit

The story goes… Directed by Netherlanders, Mascha and Manfred Poppenk, in the economically devastated neighborhoods of Detroit, MI, hope is difficult to come by. For the students of the Catherine Ferguson Academy, each one of them pregnant or a mother of a small child, hope literally grows in the abundant vacant lots that surround their school; in addition to their academic studies, the students also learn to become farmers, growing fruits and vegetables and learning the business of agriculture.

The film is currently on the film festival circuit, with a DVD release scheduled for May. As for other release types, I’d guess that we might see it get picked up by a network like PBS, or one of a handful of female-centered networks – maybe even Oprah’s upcoming OWN.

You can also watch it directly on the film’s website, on demand. You pay what you want to support the film which gives you on-line access to the documentary for one day. More HERE.

The trailer follows below: