Liberated Muse Arts, in association with Soul Pixie Productions and the DC Public Library, presents "In Her Words", a series celebrating the lives of African-American women. Join us first for a theatrical musical presentation, "An Artist Speaks" examining the lives of artists Lena Horne, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Zora Neale Hurston and Lucille Clifton -- creative women who used their artistic prowess to ignite and support social and political movements. Music and spoken monologue from the legendary women, culled from transcripts of speeches, autobiographical excerpts and interviews. Written and directed by playwright Khadijah Ali-Coleman, and featuring Quineice, Naomi Rose, Tracy Chiles McGhee, Anisha "Moon" Newbill, Nia Simmons and Colie Williams as poet Lucille Clifton.Visit the IN HER WORDS website at http://www.theyliveon.wordpress.com to learn more about this Liberated Muse Production.
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