Watch “Missionaries Of Hate” (Homophobia In Uganda)
Some of you, I suspect, have been following the developments of the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill that was introduced last fall in Uganda, which has been the subject of much uproar, especially here in the west. Why? Well, in short, the bill will further criminalize homosexuality (already illegal in Uganda), making it a crime punishable by death!
The bill is particularly notorious because it’s believed that its introduction was spurred on by good old American Christian evangelicals who, just prior, visited the country, and spoke at a conference called the “Seminar on Exposing the Homosexual Agenda,” suggesting that countries like Uganda are in better positions to protect themselves from what the evangelicals call “the scourge of the gay agenda.”
Essentially, these predatory mofos, realizing that their influence is waning in their own country, here in the USA, are seemingly seeking out other nations – “under-developed” nations to be crude – that appear much more malleable to their agenda, to sell their doctrine too. And it’s apparently working!
“These are good Christians; better Christians than there are here in the states… They care about each other. And I think the reason they’re pushing so hard on this law is that they don’t want to see what happened to our country happen over there,” says Scott Lively, a pastor from Springfield, MA, of the Ugandan people. I wonder if he also patted them on the backs of their heads like obedient little pets…
I came across this insightful new 45-minute documentary on the matter (courtesy of Bombastic E), titled Missionaries of Hate, which will air on Current TV tomorrow night, May 26th, at 10PM, but you can watch it all below, thanks to Hulu: