Morgan Freeman Narrates
Pro TV Ad For
Same Sex Marriage
November 25, 2012
So it's not the most important media event ever, but it is something rather interesting. You've heard him narrate a ton of TV commericals before, from cars to Visa credit cards, and most recently, one for President Obama's presidental campiagn, but never before anything like this.A new national TV commercial, produced by the Human Rights Campaign, in support of same sex marriage, begins airing today, and the voice you hear narrating the spot is none other than Morgan Freeman.
It's not the first TV ad in support of gay marriage. There have been regional ones seen in states where same sex marriage proposals were on the election ballot, but it's probably the first to have a major Hollywood celebrity narrate one.
Freeman himself, in an interview for The Dark Knight Rises, came out in suppoprt of gay marriage saying that: "I grew up in the South but I started dancing in my twenties when I got out of the Air Force and studying dance you're surrounded by gay guys all the time. You get to know them and you have to shift gears."
Here's the ad: