Nikki Jean
"Pennies in a Jar" LP
Release Date & Tracklist
If, like me, you have been following the drama as it unfolded for the last three years you too will be very excited to know that S-Curve Records (a Universal affiliate), will be releasing Nikki Jeans debut album Pennies In A Jar on June 7th.
Aside from her ridiculous talent and beauty, the woman is a marketing beast and has been video blogging her life for three years, alongside all kinds of other devotion-inspiring activities including going on tours of her fans houses, sending them hand written Christmas cards, answering all of their questions on Tumblr, baking cookies, knitting, the list goes on... The documentation process however allowed her fans an insight in to the pain and frustration of being caught in a deal with Columbia who didn't want to put her record out.
"The entertainment industry is a commodities game, just like corn or gold. The chemical composition of gold NEVER changes. Peoples perception of its value changes, and markets change. . but gold doesn’t change. That’s what we are as artists. . Of course we grow and change every day, but . . our value? our intrinsic qualities do not change. "
Then this happened...
This has to be one of the most exciting tracklist announcements I've seen in years.
1. How to Unring a Bell (Written by Thom Bell & Nikki Jean)
2. Steel and Feathers (Don’t Ever) (Written by Bob Dylan & Nikki Jean)
3. La Di Da Di Da (Written by Luigi Creatore & Nikki Jean)
4. My Love (Written by Lamont Dozier & Nikki Jean)
5. Pennies in a Jar (Written by Burt Bacharach & Nikki Jean)
6. What’s a Girl Supposed to Do (Written by Jeff Barry & Nikki Jean)
7. Rockaway (Written by Carole King & Nikki Jean)
8. Million Star Motel feat. Lupe Fiasco & Black Thought (Written by Bobby Braddock & Nikki Jean)
9. Patty Crash (Written by Paul Williams & Nikki Jean)
10. China (Written by Jimmy Webb & Nikki Jean)
11. Mercy of Love (Written by Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil & Nikki Jean)
12. Sex, Lies and Sunshine (Written by Carly Simon & Nikki Jean)
Lupe Fiasco / Hip-Hop Saved My Life (feat. Nikki Jean)
© 2008 WMG
Hip-Hop Saved My Life (feat. Nikki Jean) (video)