VIDEO: Nina Simone > guerrilla mama medicine



    Nina Simone | Suzanne, Teatro Sistina, Rome, 3 November 1969

    1. 1. @1:23 when she comes in with some mad syncopation which makes the line sound like a challenge rather than a quiet admission to self as in Leonard Cohen’s version.

    2. 2. how perfectly her headwrap is tied 

    3. 3. when she starts tinkering on the piano and at first you’re all: uh-oh, Nina, no that’s some whack calypso, and then it clicks that she’s picking out some fragment of the music that was already there, waiting to be foregrounded. 

    4. 4. the robust confidence of her voice. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her sing quite like this.

    5. 5. most people clap along to music and it’s like, oh how nice, they’re enjoying the beat/melody. Nina claps like a threat: “y’all.better.stay-in-time” …

    6. 6. and on the other hand when she dances she by turns abandons her body to the music and commands it

    7. 7. the way Suzanne becomes he in the middle of the song

    8. 8. an anecdote from that show