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What is liberty?
Don’t ask me!
I never ate it!
I never drank it!
I never smelled it!
I never wore it!
I never tasted it!
I never heard it talking!
I never saw it walking!
Is it organic?
Does it have feelings?
Will it bleed if I cut it?
And if so, in what direction will the blood flow?
What color is it?
What color is it not?
Can it be rolled in a cigarette and smoked?
Or does it make you drunk-or both?
Can you make love to it?
Is it the same as voting rights?
What sex is it?
Is it freedom?
Or is it kin to freedom?
Does it lynch Black people?
Does it make White people compassionate?
Does the Klu Klux Klan have it?
And if so, who gave it to them?
Can it be bought?
Does it create social programs?
Does it legalize abortion?
Was it born in Mississippi? Alabama? New York? Europe?
Does it have blue eyes? brown eyes? black eyes?
What language does it speak?
Can it see injustice?
Does it cry? Lie? Die?-
Does it pray?
Did it kill William Christmas? The Kent State Students?
Dr. King? The Kennedy’s? Malcolm X? Black South Africans?-
Whatever it is, it has something to do with ships-
Ships that docked at northern ports, brought White folks fleeing
religious graves,
Ships that docked at southern ports,brought Black folks to be slaves…
By: Arthur Charles Ford,Sr.,poet

P.O. Box 4725,Pittsburgh,PA.15206

BIO-SKETCH OF Arthur C. Ford,Sr.,poet

Arthur C. Ford,Sr. was born and bred in New Orleans,LA. He earned a Bachelor
of Science Degree from Southern University in New Orleans,studied creative
writing and was a member of the Drama Society. He has visited 45 states in America
and resided for two years in Brussels,Belgium(Europe).
Recently he spent 30 days doing missionary work and travelling throughout the
country of India.
Mr. Ford currently resides in Pittsburgh,PA.,where he continues to write, edit and
publish poetry and prose.
