PS22 Chorus Documentary
Heads to Tribeca Film Festival
The film, “Once in a Lullaby: The PS22 Chorus Story,” follows the choir’s journey from Graniteville, Staten Island all the way to the Oscars. The documentary will give viewers a glimpse into some of the kids’ lives.
The PS22 chorus from Staten Island became world famous after their YouTube videos went viral. This feel-good documentary follows them to their big performance as the closing act at the 2011 Academy Awards ceremony, where creative differences, lost voices, and homesickness threaten their performance. Can these 5th graders entertain the entertainment elite?
The majority of the students at the elementary school are Latino (43%), black (23%) and Asian (12%).
The film premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 29. Visit the film’s Facebook page to find out when it plays near you.
Below the PS22 chorus covers Adele’s “Rolling in the deep.”
The video above led to the Target commercial below which premiered during the Grammys earlier this year.