Queer Women Of Color
Check Out
New Dope Web Series
'The Peculiar Kind'
We love to hear from the LGBT voices of the community, and boy did we hear from them when artist collective The Artchitects released the first episodes of their new monthly web series 'The Peculiar Kind'. Candidness and humor are on the program, but the issues highlighted are sometimes serious (hate crimes, safety, relationships, substance/alcohol abuse, lifestyle). "[Alexis Casson] wanted to create a fun yet informative unscripted web series", as collaborator and AP member Mursi Layne puts it. Check out the videos below and let us know what you think! - L C-D
* If you're queer/LGBT and would like to share your voice by contributing articles, videos, blogs, etc., please hit us up at afropunkcommunity@gmail.com.