S&A Presents
A Video Compilation
Of The Year 2012
In Black Cinema
This will likely be my last post for the day. It's Christmas Eve suckas! Although it's certainly quite possible that you might see posts from Sergio, Courtney, Emmanuel, etc... so it doesn't mean there won't be anything after this.
As we've done every year, for the last 2, here's an S&A year-end video complitation created by our very own Ms Vanessa Martinez (a hat-tip to her for putting in the time, as always), which wraps up the year in cinema of the African Diaspora, as we saw it!
The video includes only those films that were released commercially, theatrically, here in the USA (maybe someday, when there's more money and manpower, we'll create a video that's much more comprehensive; but this is what it is for the time being).
It starts off with documentaries, then goes into a nice mix of all the fiction films, arranged by mood and action, followed by the year's RIPs.
The titles of all the films included follow in the tail-end credits, so you can find them all there.
It's just about 7-minutes long.
And here it is - S&A's year in black cinema; signing out, a merry X-mas to you all, and I'll see you on the flip: