Samuel L. Jackson's
Wake The F*ck Up Ad
Samuel L Jackson " Wake The F*ck UP " Vulgar Dr. Seuss Obama Ad President Barack Obama 2012. Actor Samuel L. Jackson entered the political fray this week, starring in a new web video that parodies his own audio recording of the mock children's book, "Go the F*** to Sleep."
This time, however, Jackson is reaching out to voters--not frustrated parents--urging Americans to "Wake the F*** Up" and vote for President Barack Obama. (Obviously, not work safe without headphones, but there's also a bleeped version.) In the nearly four-minute video told like a children's book, Jackson narrates a metrical tale of disenchanted Obama fans who have since dialed down their support.
TA-NEHISI COATES - Ta-Nehisi Coates is a senior editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about culture, politics, and social issues for TheAtlantic.com and the magazine. He is the author of the memoir The Beautiful Struggle.
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