VIDEO: Samuel L. Jackson versus Mitt Romney

Samuel L. Jackson's

Wake The F*ck Up Ad

Samuel L Jackson " Wake The F*ck UP " Vulgar Dr. Seuss Obama Ad President Barack Obama 2012. Actor Samuel L. Jackson entered the political fray this week, starring in a new web video that parodies his own audio recording of the mock children's book, "Go the F*** to Sleep."

This time, however, Jackson is reaching out to voters--not frustrated parents--urging Americans to "Wake the F*** Up" and vote for President Barack Obama. (Obviously, not work safe without headphones, but there's also a bleeped version.) In the nearly four-minute video told like a children's book, Jackson narrates a metrical tale of disenchanted Obama fans who have since dialed down their support.






TA-NEHISI COATES - Ta-Nehisi Coates is a senior editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about culture, politics, and social issues for and the magazine. He is the author of the memoir The Beautiful Struggle.

Mitt Romney, in His Own Words



Molly Ball reports that this ad is playing in Ohio with some regularity. The tough thing about the 47 percent tape is, it isn't a gaffe. It isn't a misstatement. It's a coherent, if amoral, argument, delivered with force and clarity. It doesn't really require being taken out of context. You can just run Romney in his own words. 

I would not be surprised if Mitt Romney had a few good debates. And it is certainly true that it's possible for a candidate in this position to execute what would be a historic comeback. But it is not very likely. It is even less likely when the politician isn't very good at the job. The 47 percent tape would be devastating for any politician. But it is especially devastating for Mitt Romney. 

Meanwhile, the always (and appropriately) cautious Nate Silver reports that "Mitt Romney had one of his worst polling days of the year on Wednesday." Claiming the 47 percent tape is a "golden opportunity" is like claiming you had a heart attack on purpose.

ALSO: Running on Bain was right.