Sona Jobarteh on
Network Africa
Sona Jobarteh
Network Africa video session
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Sona Jobarteh hails from a long West African tradition of Griots and kora players; her grandfather was the master Griot Amadu Bansang Jobarteh.
Creating her own history, she has broken from the male-dominated kora tradition to become the family's first female virtuoso of the instrument.
When she came to Bush House studios, she spoke to BBC's Fred Dove about her family's musical tradition, her love of the kora and the music she is creating.
Listen to Sona Jobarteh interview (Duration: 12:38)
With a debut album and a film score already available, Sona is working on tracks for her second album release, Fasiya.
Sona came to Bush House to perform a Network Africa video session with guitarist Femi Temowo and percussionist Robert Fordjour.
They performed 'Jarabi' (top) and 'Saya' (below), both tracks from the forthcoming record.
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