“The Big Fix” Film:
Gulf Oil Spill Not Over
Author: Stephen Alexander
Published: November 12, 2011
The deeply-personal documentary “The Big Fix” investigates the corporate negligence and the corruption of officials both before and after last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It delves into the ongoing aftereffects on the Gulf Coast both in the water and on shore.
This film details BP's operational track record on safety violations. BP is the British company that operated the Deepwater Horizon. The filmmakers, Josh and Rebecca Harrell Tickell, depict a political system rife with corruption instituted by the oil and gas industry, ultimately calling the state of Louisiana an “oil colony.” BP contributed nothing to the film.
“The Big Fix” offers evidence that the oil is still leaking and that the chemical dispersant Corexit 9527 is still being sprayed. Moreover, this film offers shocking evidence that humans and wildlife populations are still getting sick from the BP oil spill along the Gulf Coast.
Scenes in this film show eyewitness testimony of residents along the Gulf Coast, as well the personal experience of the filmmaker, Rebecca Harrell, herself. The filmmaker became a victim of the Gulf Oil disaster. She was told by officials that it was safe. But her personal experience reveals otherwise. She noticed strange systems almost immediately. The skin on her feet peeled after she wore flip-flops on the beach. Her chest developed blisters that didn't readily go away. She had blood in her urine until just recently and she developed 13 upper respiratory infections. Doctors have informed her that the source of her illness was exposure to the Gulf Oil spill and the cleaning agents. Her condition is irreversible. She will never be able to sunbathe again.
The film opened in New Orleans on November 4th and started showing at the AMC in Santa Monica on Friday November 11th. On December 2nd, it opens in New York at the AMC Village.