The Film
“The Diaspora Travels:
The Diaspora Travels: Haiti explores the possibilities of discovering home and connecting lives to the living past. This feature-length documentary begins in Toronto and meanders through Montreal and New York, Boston, and Miami to arrive on the streets of Port-au-Prince. Along the way, it offers glimpses of the Haitian diaspora: some of whom, in order to support family, have for years lived between their adopted and ancestral homes; others who have repatriated since the 2010 earthquake and others still who, moved by catastrophe, visit Haiti for the first time.
The film focuses on the life experiences of two women. Seraphine Legend is a resident of Port au-Prince. She survived the earthquake that destroyed her home, but lost a leg to infection. She remains optimistic; and hopes that her son will be able to support his young family. Marita Mariasine, founder of The Haiti Projects, arrives from Montreal just after the earthquake. With the Earthship crew and travels the country to assess needs and works with Haitians to build sustainable housing.
The Diaspora Travels: Haiti is a story about going back home. Home is the complex ways that Haitian people have organized themselves against adversity and used their own resources to rebuild their communities after waves of devastation. The film offers the audience a broader view – and a direct link – to reconstruction efforts engineered by Haitian and diasporic-led organizations such as Foundation Maurice Sixto, Institute Of Justice And Democracy In Haiti and The Haiti Projects. If you want information on how to donate/fund/sponsor the production:
Towards Haiti: The Second Trip
a docuvixen film
Malinda Francis
www.docuvixen.comVideo Blog Background
Mario Joseph Speaks: Displacement Tent Camps (November 2010) Toronto, On
Seraphine Legend-Diaspora Story Amongst the Rubble (February 2011) in Kafou, Port au Prince
The Diaspora Travels: Earthship Tour (February 2011) Haiti