VIDEO: The Year In Black Cinema In 7 Minutes - A Shadow And Act Video Compilation > indieWIRE


The Year In Black Cinema

In 7 Minutes

- A Shadow And Act

Video Compilation

Features  by Tambay | December 15, 2011

It's that time of the year again... 2 more weeks until 2011 ends; 10 more days till Christmas day; critics, media outlets and other film organizations are announcing their "best of the year" lists; awards season nominees; year-end wrap-ups, etc...

Just like last year...

And just like 2010, for only the second time, Shadow And Act brings you its own 2011 black cinema zeitgeist - the year in review video compilation.

Edited wonderfully by our own Vanessa Martinez, who invested her precious time putting this 7-minute video together - tons of clips watched, cropping out just the right pieces of each to ensure that they all work well together, finding the right pieces of music, importing, exporting, listening to my critiques of each "draft" and making adjustments, importing and exporting some more, etc, etc, etc.

NOTE: I should state that we only considered films that were released commercially, theatrically in 2011. Films whose only exhibition was on the film festival circuit were not included. I know some of them were eventually acquired and will be released in 2012; those will most certainly be part of our 2012 year-end compilation video.

Might we have missed one or two? Possibly. But Vanessa and I both did a thorough job of going through lists of all the films released (or still to be released) theatrically this year, and I feel confident that they're all in there.

So, without further ado, here's Shadow And Act's 2011 Black Cinema Year In Review video compilation. Feel free to pass it around... how many of the film's highlighted can you identify?