Trailer Watch For The Short Film
"White Sugar In A Black Pot"
Video by Sergio | February 1, 2012Here's the trailer for the intruging short film White Sugar in a Black Pot written and directed by Brooklyn based filmmaker Rachel Johnson and which will be screened at the Pan African Film Festival this month in Los Angeles.The film telles ht story of "Denise Mackey, a diligent and providing mother, who is presented with a great opportunity to move ahead, but is forced to make one of the toughest decisions of her life. We are pulled into the world of the Mackey family as we witness the power of trust, love, desire, fear and above all the strength of one family."
The film will also screen at the The Hayti Heritage Film Festival in Durham North Carolina, The San Diego Black Film Festival and The International Family Film Festival at the Raleigh Studios in L.A.
Rachel Johnson