VIDEO: Tumi Mixtape—The POWA Mixtape « AFRICA IS A COUNTRY


The POWA Mixtape

June 14, 2011

by Tom Devriendt

Johannesburg-based Tumi of Tumi and The Volume has released a mixtape. It seems to be in support of People Opposed to Women Abuse and was inspired by the story of rape victim Akona Ndungane. Among those getting the Tumi remix treatment are Mos Def (a fan of Tumi), the Beatles, John Mayer, Radiohead and Kanye West. Film director Teboho Mahlatsi pitched in with this dramatic video above; watch through till the end for the finale). South Africans Zubz, Tuks, PRO, Chen Lo, Zaki Ibrahim, Molemi, Ben Sharpa, KG and Lebo (of Voodoo Child) join Tumi on the mixtape.

Get it here.