VIDEO: Who is Albizu Campos? by Michael Torres > Kickstarter

A feature length documentary

on Puerto Rican revolutionary

Pedro Albizu Campos.

  • Launched: Sep 12, 2012
  • Funding ends: Oct 9, 2012
  • Don't want to forget? We'll remind you by email 48 hours before funding ends.


The Story

Patriot – Fascist – Criminal – Saint  – All have been used to describe Puerto Rican Revolutionary Pedro Albizu Campos. 'Who is Albizu Campos?' is the first feature length documentary to tell the life story of this charismatic leader who became the most polarizing figure in Puerto Rican history.

Unwavering audacity, intense political passion, fierce national pride – Pedro Albizu Campos had all the makings of a classic 20th century revolutionary. As President of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, he championed social justice, defied colonial rule, and galvanized Puerto Rico’s fight for independence from the United States. Revered by Che Guevara as “a symbol of the yet un-free but indomitable Latin America,” and auspiciously tagged a “Puerto Rican Malcolm X,” by as early 1933, “El Maestro,” (the Teacher, as he was commonly known), was a veritable public enemy in the United States. Despite a Harvard education and military service during World War I, Albizu was condemned a criminal in Washington, labeled a terrorist by the CIA and spent over 25 years of his life in prison, never compromising his vision of a free and sovereign Puerto Rico.

In scene after incredible scene we discover what compelled Albizu to challenge the American occupation of Puerto Rico while wrestling with his own sense of moral outrage, and the crushing consequences that followed. The story of Pedro Albizu Campos is one of the quintessential stories of the Americas.  His struggle for a free Puerto Rico encapsulates Latin America’s struggle for self-determination and self-reliance from foreign interests. Yet today his story is virtually unknown.

Despite the immensity of Albizu Campos’ legacy and the impact that he had in the United States and Puerto Rico, there are no English language books currently in circulation about the subject. This project will be a main source of information for an entire generation of English speaking Latinos, public school educators, and political science, history and sociology students of every level.


Since starting this project in 2006, I’ve interviewed over 20 scholars, historians, associates and family members of Albizu and have taken research trips to Harvard, New York and Puerto Rico, accumulating over 100 hours of interviews, archival footage, hundreds of unpublished photos, rare radio interviews and original speeches given by Albizu. These materials have been assembled into a three-hour rough cut which needs to be edited down to ninety minutes.

Support for the Film

The project has been supported and invited to workshops from Film Independents Project Involve, The Corporation of Public Broadcasting's Producer's Academy and the National Association of Latino Independent Producers Latino Producer's Academy and has received small development grants from Latino Public Broadcasting and International Television Services (ITVS).

How Your Contributions Will Be Used

The funds raised from this campaign will go directly to the final stage of production in which we will create the visual style of the film by assembling a team to produce the animated sequences of the film. These funds will also contribute to the editing of the film which begins when I return from Puerto Rico in December.

Our goal is to raise $27,000 by midnight October 9th.  Kickstarter only works if we reach our goal—If we don’t hit our target, we don’t get any of the money.

Even $5 helps! 

Other Ways You Can Help us Finish the Film!

Please help us spread the word by Posting our Kickstarter link on your Facebook and Twitter accounts—this doesn’t cost you a thing, and goes a long way towards helping us spread the word.

Also please "LIKE" us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and join our mailing list at for regular updates on the film.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Peace and Blessings,
