VIDEO: Yellow Fever by Ng’endo Mukii > African Digital Art


  • Thesis Film

    Yellow Fever 

    by Ng’endo Mukii
  • July 2nd, 2012

    Ng’endo Mukii tackles a relevant and sensitive topic of skin bleaching. This film searches a modern take of Ng’endo’s documentation of the topic with observations from her niece, her own perceptions and experiences and some history  that uncovers the depth of this parallel thought.
  • These honest conversations and earnest thoughtfulness and writing makes this film such great insight into this issue.

    Ng’endo is a film & animation student who just graduated from a master’s program at RCA (Royal College of Art) in London.

    I am interested in the concept of skin and race, and what they imply; in the ideas and theories sown into our flesh that change with the arc of time. I believe skin and the body, are often distorted into a topographical division between reality and illusion. The idea of beauty has become globalised, creating homogenous aspirations, and distorting people’s self-image across the planet. In my film, I focus on African women’s self-image, through memories and interviews; using mixed media to describe this almost schizophrenic self-visualization that I and many others have grown up with. 

    —Ng'endo Mukii
