During this week’s 28th annual Kemetic Studies Conference of the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) a panel was convened on the continuing relevance of Kemetic Womanhood. Dr. Valethia Watkins presented a paper on “Reconceptualizing the Gender of Africana Women,” in which she criticized the Eurocentrism of “Feminism” and referred to Susan B. Anthony as “the Sarah Palin of her day.” Yaa Ashantewaa Archer-Ngidi presented on “Womancentricism – Restoring Ancient Principles” and Dr. W. Joye Hardiman gave a talk titled “From Ancient Kemet to ASCAC: Sistas Holding up their Part of the Sky…”
** The conference was held at Howard Unviersity’s Blackburn Center during the weekend of March 18-20, 2011.
Listen to the panel: