Causes We Love
:: Don’t Sell Bodies is an initiative spearheaded by Jada Pinkett Smith to educate people about human trafficking and ultimately create real change toward eradicating this type of modern day slavery. She teamed up with Salma Hayak, who directed a Spanish and English version of her latest song, “Nada,” to help spread word on this domestic and international human rights issue. – Moni Vargas
“83% OF CONFIRMED TRAFFICKING CASES IN THE UNITED STATES ARE AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS :: It’s hard to believe, but more humans are being used as slaves than ever before. Between 700,000 and 4 million women and children will be trafficked this year, with the majority being forced to work in the sex trade. In America, there are an estimated 40,000 men, women and children enslaved at this very moment. If everyone who cares takes action, we can end slavery once and for all. It’s time.”