Call for papers
International Conference
Indo-Hispanic Dialogue: Bridging the Cultural Gap
March 6 – 8, 2013, Hyderabad
Centre for Study of Foreign Languages,
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, India
Media Partner:
Hispanic Countries, particularly from the region of Latin America, have begun to occupy the attention they deserve in India’s official and private sector perception as against the traditional biases built up over the years for historical, geographic or commercial reasons. It is fact that the investments of the Indian companies in the South American market have increased drastically in recent times. For the growing bilateral and multilateral relations with these countries to have an enduring effect there is need for an academic engagement with the whole domain of mutual cultural understanding of the societies involved. How have we perceived each other, economically, socially, culturally, philosophically in the past and whether in the face of the changing country profiles vis-à-vis the global scenario there is a parallel shift in mutual awareness? Does that get reflected in our occupation in the private and public sphere (the print, electronic media, our class rooms, course contents in educational institutions) with each others’ output in various fields like foreign policy, environment, joint initiatives, cultural issues etc? From our perspective, we need to expand our interactive possibilities at the institutional level to strengthen our engagement with the Hispanic societies. What are the potential areas of culture, economy, trade etc. that can fruitfully be promoted for this purpose? Just for example, in cultural sphere Tagore and Neruda could be the central figures for our common approaches towards the achievement of a reconciled universal which could become the cornerstone of our future projections as pluri-cultural societies. Or is the literary piece “Vislumbres de la India” a product of the comparative understanding of Paz of Mexican past? Likewise, one can make comparative study of economic, political and social systems of Hispanic countries and India.
The Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, University of Hyderabad proposes to hold a three-day international conference to explore such areas that would contribute to strengthen the mutual understanding of our societies and cultures and create an awareness of the same in this area. Papers are invited tentatively in the following areas:
• Indian and Hispanic Literature
• Comparison of Indian and Hispanic Languages
• Teaching of Indian languages in Hispanic World and vice-versa
• Study of Translations
• Comparison of Folklore
• Influence of various Philosophic thoughts
• Cultures and Societies
• Language Endangerment
• Diasporas Studies
• Hispanic Policy and Culture
• Culture and Economic Relations with Hispanic countries
Working languages: English and Spanish
Format of presentations: The abstract should not exceed 300 words, while the full paper should be between 10-15 pages (including references, notes, and tables). Biographical data should not exceed 100 words. Your paper must be double-spaced and typed using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. With the abstract and paper submissions, please include: the title of your paper or poster display; your name and title; institution; e-mail address; and mailing address. If the abstract is in Spanish, an English version of the same can also be submitted.
Extended date of submission of abstracts: 15th December, 2012
The abstracts may be sent to the Director of the Conference with a cc to the Organizing Secretary. All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Conference. Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. **The conference committee reserves the right to edit typographical errors in the abstracts and papers prior to publication**
Registration fee: International Participants USD 75;
Indian National Participants INR 2,500
Registration fees include: Local hospitality during conference days and a conference kit. The registration fee may be paid at the venue of the Conference in Indian currency.
Director of the Conference:
Prof. J. Prabhakara Rao,
Tel.: +91 40 2313363; 23133661; Fax: + 91 40 23010356
Organizing Secretary:
Mr. Ranjeeva Ranjan,
Mobile: +91-8897253603
Venue: Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, University of Hyderabad, India
More details available at website of HISPANICINDIA (Media Partner)