Deadline: 29 April 2011
READ International, a student-led educational charity that distributes textbooks to secondary schools in East Africa, is delighted to announce the official launch of the 2011 Read for READ Anthology Competition, on World Book Day, 3rd March.
The Read for READ Anthology 2011 is a unique short story competition for young, socially motivated aspiring writers, and will be launched with support from the British Library. To celebrate the endless possibilities that can derive from a single book, the theme of the anthology this year is ‘The Book Effect’, and will be a collection of stories that focus on inspiration and motivation.
Entrants can submit their story for free in the Read for READ competition, get the chance to have it judged by some of the best in the industry and be published in the anthology alongside established authors and other aspiring writers. Writers that get through to the second round of the competition will have their stories published on the READ website and will battle it out for public votes. Each vote token will cost 50 pence, the cost for READ International of sending a book to a child in Africa.
As Rob Wilson, founder of READ International, says ‘It never costs READ International more than 50 pence to move one book from a UK classroom into the hands of a Tanzanian or Ugandan school child or teacher’. With over three thousand pounds raised by voting cast by the public in 2010, the Read for READ anthology raised the potential to send 1500 books to East Africa. demonstrating how a love of reading and writing in the UK can directly enable more reading and writing amongst students in East Africa.
In anticipation of sending our one millionth book to East Africa this year, the Read for READ Anthology completes the circle of young aspiring writers and global citizens encouraging a new generation of readers and writers to become more socially engaged.
Sonny Leong founder of Cavendish Publishing and Hon. President of the IPG said, “The Read for READ competition is an aspiring initiative for anyone who wants to put pen to paper, realising a dream to be published and at the same time helping thousands of East African students reach their potential.”
Do you love to write? Have you always dreamt of having your work published?
READ International is offering a once in a lifetime chance to make the dreams of aspiring writers a reality.
What is Read for READ?
Read for READ 2011 is READ International's second annual exciting story competition aimed at young, aspiring writers. It will be launched on World Book Day 2011 on Thursday 3rd March, supported by The British Library, and will result in the production of a published anthology bringing together the work of aspiring and established authors.
By entering the competition, young aspiring writers will have the chance to have their writing judged by some of the best in the industry, be published in an exciting short story anthology alongside established authors whilst helping raise valuable funds to improve education in Tanzania and Uganda, inspiring the next generation of young global citizens.
How can I enter?
The theme of the competition this year is ‘The Book Effect’.
At the heart of READ International’s work in the UK and East Africa is the potential for books and education to empower, motivate and inspire young people to achieve development, drive their communities forward and make change in their world. In this competition we would like you, as aspiring writers, to write a short story on this theme. It can be the subject of the writing itself or the characters within which create 'The Book Effect' and it is up to you to explore this in your entry. Be creative as you want with the theme, and then put pen to paper and enter it into our competition for free, starting your own 'Book Effect'.
For some inspiration and to see our own take on ‘The Book Effect’ click here.
To enter, write a short story of no more than 5000 words and be as creative as you like! Enter between the launch of the competition on 3rd March and the closing date on 29th April 2011. You can enter online by filling in the online Submission Form here or by sending in your printed typescript story to us, along with a signed Postal Entry Form, to READ International, 39-41 Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London, SE5 9NR.
Who can enter?
Anybody over the age of 16 from anywhere in the world can enter the competition.
How does it work?
Writers that get through the initial story screening will have their stories published on the READ website for 2 months, from 10th May until 10th July 2011 and will battle it out for public votes. There are no limits to the amount of votes that can be cast, and each vote token will cost 50 pence, the cost for READ International to send one book to a school student in East Africa.
The ten stories with the most votes will then go through to the final, where our panel of expert judges will pick the winners who will be published in our Read for READ Anthology 2011 alongside stories donated by established and successful authors.
Our panel of established judges includes Scarlett Thomas, an established novelist and short story writer whose works have been translated into more than 20 languages. Shortlisted for the South African Boeke Prize and longlisted for the Orange Prize, Scarlett now teaches Creative Writing at the University of Kent, and is working on her ninth novel, The Seed Collectors'. Further judges are currently being confirmed.
How can I increase my chances of winning the competition?
Provided your story makes it to the second round you will have a great chance to influence whether or not your story makes it through to the final round to be read and judged by some of the most experienced members of the publishing and literary world. It's in your hands!
You can use Read for READ as a platform to promote your work. Harness the power of social networking sites like Facebook, Bebo and Myspace, and get everyone you know, from friends, to your mum, to your next-door-neighbour, to visit the site and vote for your story.
What is the prize?
Our panel of judges will pick three winning stories from the ten most-voted-for stories that make it to the final. The prize will be publication of the winner’s stories in the Read for READ Anthology, alongside stories donated by established authors.
The anthology will be promoted and sold through our partner organisations, including expert online book seller Better World Books.
Our supporters at the British Library will host a celebratory event to honour the winners. The winners will also have the chance to meet the judges and established authors at this event.
For more details please have a look at the competition terms and conditions.
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More information here.