PUB: UK | Kentucky Women Writers Conference

Now Accepting Entries for the 2011 Betty Gabehart Prize

Each year the Kentucky Women Writers Conference offers opportunities for both emerging and established voices to be singled out and cheered on by our community. The Betty Gabehart Prize honors our good friend, patron, and former director who led the conference during its seminal decade in the 1980s.

Three prizes are awarded, in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Each winner receives $200, two 2-day passes, and the opportunity to read her winning manuscript at the conference.

The Betty Gabehart Prize in Poetry


2011 Submission Guidelines


Each year the Kentucky Women Writers Conference offers opportunities for both emerging and established voices to be singled out and cheered on by our community. The Betty Gabehart Prize honors our good friend, patron, and former director who led the conference during its seminal decade in the 1980s.


One winner will be chosen in each of three genres: poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Winners receive:


two 2-day passes for herself and one guest

the opportunity to read her winning manuscript during the conference on September 16 or 17, 2011.

space in a small-group writing workshop



Please do not apply if you have won this award in the past five years (2006 or later).

Works that are previously published are not eligible for this award.

The contest is open to any female writer of English.

Employees or board members of the Kentucky Women Writers Conference are not eligible.


Manuscript Format

Fiction and nonfiction should be no more than 6,000 words in length; poems have no word limit.

Please submit two copies of the manuscript.

The author’s name or address must not appear anywhere on the manuscript.

The manuscript must be on standard white paper, single-sided.

Paginate correctly.


Submission Information

Each work entered must be accompanied by its own entry form and entry fee, as follows: $10 per poem, work of fiction or nonfiction, payable to Kentucky Women Writers Conference. Please write a single check for multiple entries.

Submission of more than one work is permissible; each must be accompanied by its own entry form and fee. If multiple works are entered with a single entry fee, only the first work will be accepted.

Manuscripts must be postmarked by July 1, 2011.

Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you would like notification that the manuscript has been received.

We cannot return manuscripts.

Contest results will be posted on our website on August 12, 2011. Winners will be notified immediately.


Please send entries to:

Betty Gabehart Prize

Kentucky Women Writers Conference

University of Kentucky

232 East Maxwell Street

Lexington, KY 40506-0344


Direct inquiries to:



PUB: Stephen F. Austin State University Press - Fiction Prize



Announcing! Stephen F. Austin State University Fiction Series’ Fiction Prize For submissions January 1 through March 31, 2011 One winner and up to three finalists will be published in 2012





Stephen F. Austin State University Press invites submissions of manuscripts each year for its fiction series. We are committed to publishing diverse kinds of fiction by a diversity of writers. The only criterion is excellence.




The series is open to all book-length manuscripts by a single author of at least 150 pages. Stories or excerpts previously published in periodicals or anthologies are eligible for inclusion. The editor requests that faculty, staff, and current or former students refrain from submitting to the series.


Submissions will be accepted from January 1 through March 31, 2011.


Please do not send revisions once you have sent a manuscript. Up to four manuscripts will be chosen, one of which will win the 1000 dollar prize.


Manuscripts should be typed or machine-printed, double-spaced. Xeroxed copies are acceptable. Please do not bind manuscripts with anything other than a binder clip or rubber band. No electronic submissions will be considered.


There is a reading fee of $25 payable by check or money order to Stephen F. Austin State University Press. Please do not send cash.


Simultaneously submitted manuscripts are allowed provided we are notified immediately of acceptance elsewhere.


All entries will be judged anonymously. Please enclose two title pages with your submission: one page should include only the title of the manuscript and the other should list the title of the manuscript and the author’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and a brief, biographical statement. The author’s name must not appearanywhere else in the manuscript.


If you wish to be notified that your manuscript was received, please include an SAS postcard—small index cards will not be accepted by the post-office. If you submit a #10 SASE along with your manuscript, you will be notified of our decisions by July 31. Otherwise, check our Web site in mid-August, where the winners will be announced.


Manuscripts will be recycled rather than returned.


Send your manuscript and reading fee to:

Stephen F. Austin State University Press

Fiction Prize C/O Department of English

P.O. Box 13007

SFA Station Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3007

PUB: Poetry Contest | saturnalia books

Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize Guidelines
$1500 and publication by Saturnalia Books 2011 Judge = Denise Duhamel


1. Manuscript must be an original work of poetry written in English.

2. Manuscript must be at least 48 pages in length (not including foreword material).

3. Author’s name and contact information must not appear on manuscript.

4. Manuscript must be single-sided, and securely bound with a binder clip only.

5. Please include a separate cover sheet containing author’s name, title of manuscript, and contact information (including email address, street address, and phone number) as well as another cover sheet with only the title.

6. Acknowledgment page is optional. If your manuscript is a finalist, the acknowledgment page will be removed before it is sent to the judge.

7. Please include a check for $25 payable to Saturnalia Books. Entries without checks or with checks that are returned for insufficient funds will be immediately withdrawn.

8. Manuscripts will be accepted during the month of March only (or postmarked by April 1). Do not send via any delivery method that requires a signature.

9. No refunds will be given to any manuscripts withdrawn from the competition after April 1.

10. Former students who have studied "poetry writing" with the judge are ineligible to enter. Friends and family of the judge are also ineligible.

11. Notification will be sent to your e-mail address. Do not include a self addressed stamped envelope (sase) unless you do not have an email address. If you do, it will be discarded.

12. Do not send your manuscript as registered, certified, or any other form of mail that needs a signature. It will be returned to you.

13. Contest winner will be announced in July on this site and via email. Please do not contact Saturnalia Books regarding your submission status before August 1. Address submissions to: saturnalia books 105 Woodside Rd. Ardmore, PA 19003.


INFO: eNewsletter - February 25th 2011 - Issue #184 eNewsletter - February 25th 2011 - Issue #184
Celebrating Our Literary Legacy Since 1997
spacer Best Selling Books
spacer's 25 Best Selling Books For 2010


#1 - For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow is Enuf by Ntozake Shange
#2 - Getting to Happy by Terry McMillan
#3 - Total Eclipse of the Heart by Zane
#4 - Thug Matrimony by Wahida Clark
#5 - Thug Lovin' by Wahida Clark
#6 - Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2 Zane (Editor)
#7 - Purple Panties: An Anthology Zane (Editor)



#1 - Confessions of a Video Vixen by Karrine Steffans
#2 - The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
#3 - The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce & Keep the Man You Want by Karrine Steffans
#4 - Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority by Tom Burrell
#5 - The Vixen Diaries by Karrine Steffans
#6 - The Mis-Education of the Negro by Dr. Carter G. Woodson
#7 - Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny by Hill Harper's 25 Bestselling Books for 2010 November 1st through December 31st 2010's 25 Bestselling eBooks for 2010 (New)

Authors You Should Know
Cheryl Wills

Wills is an award-winning anchor and reporter for Time Warner Cable’s flagship news network, New York 1 News, based in New York City. She has been with the news channel since its launch in 1992 and the journalist is also the author of Die Free: A Heroic Family History ( which traces her great-great-great grandfather Sandy Wills courageous service in the Civil War as a member of the United States Colored Troops. Wills is also a popular and engaging public speaker and has appeared before audiences across the country. Cheryl is also a blogger for the internationally renowned The Huffington Post.

Also check out Cheryl's touching story about her grandmother’s perspective on skin color


Tony Lindsay

Lindsay is the author of several novels including; One Dead Preacher, Street Possession, Chasin’ It, Urban Affair, and One Dead Lawyer, and a short story collection titled Pieces of the Hole. He has published book critiques and reviews for Black Issue’s Book Review. He was a contributor to the anthology Don't Hate the Game, the on-line encyclopedia, and He has been published by to the African American literary web-site ‘’, as well as the young adult magazine Cicada. He has a MFA from Chicago State University.


Stephanie CasherStephanie Casher

Casher is an author of multicultural women’s fiction, freelance editor, and co-owner of The Pantheon Collective (TPC). She has a BA in Sociology with a Minor in Education from UC Santa Cruz, and won the Dean’s Undergraduate Award for her Senior Honors Thesis “Negotiating Identity and Cultural Capital: The Social and Structural Factors Affecting the Educational Attainment of Bi-Racial Men of African-American Descent.” She is in the process of completing the Professional Sequence in Editing through UC Berkeley Extension.



Endy was born in Newark, NJ. Like most inner city children she was fascinated by the noise of the busy streets in the "hood". Raised in a two parent home with her younger brother, her parents knew the harsh reality of living in the city. With her mother being robbed several times at gun point while operating the clothing store they owned, her father carted his family away to the suburbs of Linden, NJ. Endy's father wanted to give his family a better home and a solid foundation. Little did he know his daughter would be drawn back to the streets in which she was born.


Annette Gordon-ReedAnnette Gordon-Reed

Gordon-Reed is a professor of law at New York Law School and a professor of history at Rutgers University. She is the author of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. She lives in New York City.


James W. LewisJames W. Lewis

Lewis was born on an Army base in Wurzburg, Germany in 1971, but grew up in a small city called Hopewell, Virginia. As a shy kid, he shared a strong love for sports and reading. He spent a lot of time in the summer either riding his BMX bike imitating Evil Knevil on the dirt hills of local parks or holed up in the Hopewell library, lost in the wondrous world of books. It was hours in the library that developed a love for reading and writing short stories.


George C. FaserGeorge C. Fraser

Fraser is Chairman & CEO of FraserNet, Inc. He is considered by many to be the new voice for African Americans and one of the foremost authorities on networking and building effective relationships. Mr. Fraser is the author of two books: Success Runs In Our Race; The Complete Guide to Effective Networking in the African American Community (a critically acclaimed bestseller) and Race For Success; The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks In America (selected as one of ten best business books of the year by Booklist). Both were published by the William Morrow Company.


Louise MeriwetherLouise Meriwether

Meriwether is a short fiction writer, essayist, novelist, writer of children's literature, and black activist. Louise Meriwether holds an established place among literati whose writings reassess African Americans' past. Her fiction treats bygone times to revise American history and to record African Americans' tremendous achievements despite overwhelming odds


Dwayne McDuffieDwayne McDuffie

McDuffie is best known as the co-founder and creator of Milestone Media. He is a Story Editor on the KIDS WB's Emmy Award-winning animated series STATIC SHOCK, which he co-created. He is also a Producer and Story Editor on Cartoon Network's JUSTICE LEAGUE. He is Editor-In-Chief of Milestone Media's award-winning line of comic books, managing an editorial operation which boasted the best on-time delivery record in the industry for nearly four years running and has also worked as an editor for Marvel Comics and Harvey Entertainment. 

Tragically McDuffie pasted this February, just after his 49th birthday.

spacer Book Reviews (Fiction)
Friends 2 loversFriends 2 Lovers by Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Who doesn’t remember their first love? And what about the girl next door? Or how about the boy you cared for in school only to end up in the friend zone? In Jonathan Anthony Burkett’s new novel, he attempts to capture that feeling young people get when the bonds of friendship mature into something stronger.

Friends 2 Lovers is the story of high school best friends Claude and Kelly that spans over a two and a half year timeframe. Though they have been best friends for many years, everyone from their friends, family, and the protagonists themselves know that they are destined to be together. After all, the best romantic relationships start off as friendships anyway, right? Even Kelly’s mother loves Claude like a son. However, it’s the actions that transpire with Claude’s family that could threaten this relationship and even his life.


Am I not a man?Am I Not a Man? by Mark L. Shurtleff

What a curious book to be written by Mark L. Shurtleff, Utah's Attorney General!

This well-researched historical novel, Am I Not A Man?, goes into the mind of Dred Scott, an illiterate slave who endured the agony of bondage and all of its cruelty from his early days in Virginia until his classic legal battles to over-turn the restrictive laws of slavery. Shurtleff, a white author, never lets us forget these black men and women were human beings. He shows the reader that Dred and his wife, Harriet, were loving, caring people. He takes us into their minds and hearts and trusts us with their unrelenting humanity.


walking among the kudzuWalking Among the Kudzu by H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson

Walking Among the Kudzu is a page turner that will remind you of books such as The Darkest Child, Push, and even The Color Purple. Readers who know a thing or two about the Civil Rights Era will enjoy this nostalgic tale. And those who enjoy a good story will have something to smile about as well. The characters from all walks of life feel like people you may know. Atkerson's natural writing skills will have you wondering how much of this novel comes from actual events. Though the ending is a bit mushy and predictable, and you might wish for more dialogue versus the first-person narration, it is still a very enjoyable story of hope, love, and redemption. You should definitely pick this one up.


No SurrenderNo Surrender By Ai

When news reached me about the death of renowned poetess, Ai, I knew that I must write something about her and her unwavering lyrical examination of the human condition in America. Her last collection, No Surrender, was released in the fall and it is an occasion to pay her tribute.

Ai was always a fierce and uncompromising voice. The author of seven memorable books of poetry, she earned the American Book Award for Sin in 1987 and a National Book Award for Vice in 1999. As the Mitte Chair in Creative Writing at Southwest Texas State University from 2002 -2003, she earned a United States Artist Ford Fellowship in 2009.

spacer Book Reviews (Non-Fiction)
True YouTrue You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself by Janet Jackson

Whenever I’ve interviewed Janet Jackson, I’ve always had the sense that I was speaking with a very grounded individual for someone who was born inside the bubble of celebrity and has lived her whole life in the limelight. Thus, I am not surprised to discover that she would seem as real and equally accessible in her autobiography.

Janet co-wrote True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself with ghostwriter to the stars David Ritz, who has also penned memoirs with Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Aretha, Etta James, B.B. King, Smokey Robinson, Natalie Cole, Grandmaster Flash, Billie Holiday, The Neville Brothers and The Wire's Felicia "Snoop" Pearson. The prolific Ritz credits his uncanny knack for the genre with an ability to become one with his subjects by "absorbing himself into the artist’s very heart and soul."


Black Business SecretsBlack Business Secrets: 500 Tips, Strategies, and Resources for the African-American Entrepreneur by Dante Lee

During these dire economic times when the overall unemployment rate in the U.S. is at 9.8 %, you can be sure that that figure is at least double in the African-American community. And after the Democrats took what President Obama referred to as a “shellacking” on Election Day, they appear prepared to capitulate to the Republican demand that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy be extended.

If you’re presently out of work, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the supposedly-stimulative effect of that windfall for the rich to trickle-down to you in the form of a job. Instead, may I suggest perusing a copy of Black Business Secrets: 500 Tips, Strategies, and Resources for the African-American Entrepreneur.


BrainwashedBrainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority by Tom Burrell

Ever since the dawn of the nation when the Founding Fathers deliberately rationalized slavery by spreading the big lie that black people were inferior, African-Americans have suffered from serious self-esteem issues. But why has this phenomenon continued to persist so long past emancipation and the elimination of the Jim Crow system of segregation?

This is the nagging thought which inspired Tom Burrell to write Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority. After all, as an advertising executive with 45 years in the business, he is well aware of the power of propaganda. So he knows that American society has done such a good job on the minds of blacks that they have not only internalized but have willingly participated in the perpetuation and further dissemination of nearly every negative stereotype propagated about them by the media.


African RhytmsAfrican Rhytms: The Autobiography of Randy Weston Composed by Randy Weston

True jazz buffs will welcome this well-detailed, informative memoir, African Rhythms, by one of the most innovative musicians in America, Randy Weston, for it pays earnest tribute to the African origins, traditions, and their primary influence on the sounds that rose from Congo Square long ago. It is the finest jazz autobiography since that of the big band maestro Duke Ellington’s glorious remembrances, Music Is My Mistress. “Arranged” by jazz writer-producer Willard Jenkins from a collection of interviews and observations over a four year period, it spans over 60 years of Weston’s personal and creative life.


I beat the OddsI Beat the Odds: From Homelessness to "The Blind Side" and Beyond by Michael Oher with Don Yaeger

Michael Oher became famous a year ago when his inspirational story was made into a heartwarming Hollywood movie. That overcoming-the-odds sports saga recounted how a traumatized, black teenager went from homeless to National Football League star with the help of the a well-to-do family who rescued him from the streets of Memphis. Sandra Bullock even won an Oscar for her endearing portrayal of matriarch Leigh Anne Tuohy, a compassionate Christian who altruistically invited the gentle giant to move into her house.

But the film also took some liberties with the facts, such as suggesting that Michael only learned to play football in high school and that he was walking around wearing shorts in the middle of a frigid day in November. Furthermore, because the picture basically began with his rescue, it failed to convey exactly how much of a harrowing nightmare his childhood had been previously, when he and his siblings had been shuttled from foster home to foster home on account of their mother’s crack addiction.


12 Angry Men12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today Edited by Gregory S. Parks and Matthew W. Hughey

I could write at length from personal experience about the trauma inflicted on my psyche by the time I was 25 by a decade of being routinely stopped and frisked by police about once a month or so, and always on the flimsiest of pretexts. Back then, the prison industrial complex was undergoing a mammoth growth spurt thanks to the so-called “War on Drugs,” which was really just a rationale for feeding the corporate beast with the bodies of millions of non-violent, black offenders.

And judging by the accounts related in 12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today, the situation hasn’t improved much over the interim. Here, a 35 year-old family man recalls how he was recently strip-searched right in front of his neighbors by NYPD detectives who suspected him of possessing narcotics. When they didn’t find any contraband, they left him to pull up his own pants without as much as an apology

spacer Videos
Best Book Trailer of the Year 2010Winner of's Best Book Trailer of 2010 - Airing Grandma's Laundry and Other Hush Hush Secrets by Natasha Owens

Thank you Jesus, Mr. Troy Johnson, Judges, and each book lover who made the book trailer for Airing Grandma’s Laundry and other hush hush family secrets the first place winner. I am confident that once the book is released this Spring 2011 it will also be a best seller!
--Natasha Owens

First I contacted companies that wanted to charge me outrageous fees because it was a period piece. Once I spoke to my Writing Instructor who also does screen plays he connected me with a camera man Mr. Tommy Riggins. Tommy told me I had what it took to direct it myself. So I wrote the script, searched for my location in my Grandmothers old neighborhood, went to thrift stores and found the clothing, asked my mechanic to drive his car and stopped a man who turned out to be a preacher on the street and asked him to help me out by allowing his car to be in the shoot and we set a date. I enlisted people from the area to be in the trailer along with friends and family including my baby girl in the basket. The music was done by Professor Harrison. My son Chance helped me direct and ensured all props were in place. From start to finish it took us about two hours.

This video will be showcased at the 2011 National Black Book Festival in Houston

Watch the book trailers of the 2010 2nd and 3rd place videos as well as to 2009 winner.


Don't Bring Home A White BoyDon't Bring Home a White Boy

Publisher Karen Hunter & her author Karyn Langhorne Folan. Talk about Folan's book, Don't Bring Home a White Boy: And Other Notions that Keep Black Women From Dating Out.  This video was recorded July 31, 2010 during the National Book Club Conference in Atlanta, GA


It's All About BooksBook Related Products Company - It's All About Books

Star Rice talks about her business It's All About Books. A tee shirt made by this company, "Real Men Read" is one of my favorite tee shirts. This video was recorded July 31, 2010 during the National Book Club Conference in Atlanta, GA


J. ThurmanJ. Thurman Reveals Important Tips for a Successful Marriage

As a relationship columnist, Thurman questions the way men and women view relationships.  This video was recorded July 31, 2010 during the National Book Club Conference in Atlanta, GA

spacer Articles
Tavis SmileyTavis Smiley is no good for Black folks!

I freely admit that I was not always a Tavis Smiley fan. When presidential candidate, Barack Obama declined to participate in Smiley’s 2008 State of the Union meeting; Tavis openly criticized Obama. I felt Smiley’s reaction was a mistake; perhaps driven by pettiness or even jealously. My opinion was reinforced earlier this year when an angry Al Sharpton criticized Tavis for misquoting him regarding Obama’s need for a Black agenda.


Troy Johnson's FamilyFor Black History Month: Research & Share Your Family History

Every February someone asks me,
“What are you going to do for Black History Month?”
As trite as it might sound, I always reply,
“Every month is Black History Month at”

I view the question the same as, what are you gonna do for Mother’s day or Valentine’s day. While I’m sure this is not the person’s intent, the implication is that we need a day to do something special for our mothers or a loved one. Similarly, everyday is Mother’s day and Valentine’s day for me.

Today I decided to contradict myself and do something that was specifically motivated by Black History Month and share a small aspect of my family’s history.

spacer Film Reviews
Behind Those BooksBehind Those Books: A Thought Provoking Documentary Tackling Societal Ills Through Literature [press release]

The first and only comprehensive documentation on film of this controversial genre, gives viewers a raw and uncensored look inside this emerging industry. The film chronicles the evolution of the gritty street tale through interviews with pioneer authors, publishers, industry insiders, fans, activists, hiphop artists, book clubs, editors, literary agents and vendors.

“I am a abandoned child. My mother was a whore. And the things I saw through these eyes, no child should have to witness or experience. So am I wrong for writing about my life that I saw?” --Treasure E. Blue


Mooz-LumMooz-Lum - Young Muslim Searches for Identity in Coming-of-Age Flick

Since 9/11, Muslims have basically become the N-words of the new millennium, being indiscriminately demonized in much the same way young African-Americans were universally vilified by the FBI during the rise of the Black Power Movement. In the wake of the civil unrest triggered by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, simply walking the streets with an afro was all the probable cause a cop needed to stop and frisk anyone who resembled a radical figure like Huey Newton, Stokely Carmichael or H. Rap Brown.

Such state-sanctioned mistreatment inflicted harm unlikely ever to be undone on impressionable young minds trying to figure out their place in the world, since it made the U.S. suddenly feel more like an oppressive police state than the proverbial land of the free and home of the brave. And it is a similar sort of predicament which is sensitively explored in Mooz-Lum, a coming-of-age flick by Qasim “Q” Basir.


Night Catched UsNight Catches Us - Period Piece about Prodigal Black Panther’s Released on DVD

Anyone familiar with the history of the Black Panther Party knows that it self-destructed during the Seventies after the FBI strategically created dissension in its ranks via a combination of infiltration, disinformation and assassinations. In fact, by the time of the informant-riddled organization’s collapse, its members were so mistrustful of each other that its leaders were reduced to accusing each other of being government agents.

That feeling of paranoia permeates the air in Night Catches Us, a period piece about the Panthers set in Philadelphia in ‘76. The story revolves around the return to town of one Marcus Washington (Anthony Mackie) to attend the funeral of his father following four years spent in a self-imposed exile.


Orgasm IncOrgasm, Inc - Scathing Expose’ Uncovers Pharmaceutical Industry Plot to Exploit Female Pleasure

This shocking expose’ was directed by Elizabeth Canner who devoted nine years to chronicling the drug companies’ effort to get the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first to recognize FSD as a medical disorder, and then to approve a class of prescription drugs as female versions of Viagra. With the help of physicians placed on the pharma business payroll, some of whom were reportedly paid as much as $75,000 per day (that’s right, per day), the FDA soon certified the newly-discovered illness as an affliction marked by a woman’s “lack of desire, lack of pleasure and/or painful intercourse.”

That governmental go-ahead triggered a race among biotechs which immediately plunged headlong into a competition to be the first to bring a billion-dollar cure for the supposed malady to market. However, as this damning documentary alleges, it appears that what we have "is a case of corporate-sponsored creation of disease."

spacer Interviews
Russell SimmonsRussell Simmons - Hip-Hop Mogul Expounds on the Transition from Materialism to Meditation

Russell Wendell Simmons was born in Queens, New York on October 4, 1957, the middle of three sons to bless the marriage of Daniel and Evelyn Simmons, a public school administrator and NYC parks administrator, respectively. Russell and Rick Rubin co-founded Def Jam Records, the legendary hip-hop label, in 1984.

A devoted yogi, Russell also leads the non-profit division of his empire, Rush Community Affairs, and its ongoing commitment to empowering at-risk youth through education, the arts, and social engagement. Furthermore, he serves as UN Goodwill Ambassador for The Permanent Memorial to Honor the Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Here, he talks about his new book, Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All, a how-to tome which champions meditation over materialism as the path to true wealth.


Kerry WashingtonKerry Washington on Everything from Film, Family & President Obama

Winner of the 2005 NAACP Image Award as the “Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture” for Ray, Kerry Washington is a versatile, talented and fearless actress who has built an impressive list of credits over the course of her relatively brief career. She has also garnered critical acclaim for recent roles in Mother and Child, The Last King of Scotland, The Dead Girl and Lakeview Terrace.

Kerry is an active member on the Board of Directors for The Creative Coalition, a group dedicated to raising awareness of First Amendment Rights and to the support of the arts in education. Plus, she’s a member of the V-Counsel, a group of advisors to V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls ( As for endorsement deals, Kerry is a spokesperson for both L’Oreal Paris and Movado.


Dr. Julianne Malveaux Dr. Julianne Malveaux - The “Surviving and Thriving” Interview

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is the 15th President of Bennett College for Women. Malveaux’s insights on issues such as race, culture, gender, and their economic impacts are helping to shape and thus immeasurably impact the mindset of 21st Century America. Always in demand in this capacity as a sage television commentator, Dr. Malveaux appears regularly on CNN, BET, PBS, NBC, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, C-SPAN and other networks.

Currently, Malveaux serves on the boards of the Economic Policy Institute, The Recreation Wish List Committee of Washington, DC, and the Liberian Education Trust. Here, she talks about her career and about her new book “Surviving and Thriving: 365 Facts in Black Economic History.”


Dr. Cornel WestDr. Cornel West - Dr. West’s Prognosis for the Country’s Prospects

Dr. Cornel West is a prominent and provocative public intellectual dedicated to democracy. Currently the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University, he graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard in three years and obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton.

Here, he discusses his participation in "America’s Next Chapter," a forum hosted by Tavis Smiley where a panel of luminaries will wrestle with the question, “How do we make America as good as its promise?” The event took place on Thursday, January 13th at George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium. You'll also be able to watch the entire program.


Van JonesAnthony "Van" Jones - Former Obama Green Czar Opines on the State of the "Carbon Nation"

A clean energy pioneer and author of the eco-employment best-seller "The Green-Collar Economy," he was invited by the Obama Administration to serve as Green Czar. But Van decided to resign from the post in the wake of a relentless, right-wing smear campaign which accused him of everything from being a Communist to signing a petition suggesting that the Bush Administration had knowingly permitted the terrorist attacks on 9/11 to transpire.

Here, he talks about all of the above, and about his appearance in Carbon Nation, a cautionary documentary about the consequences of climate change. The film opens in theaters in New York City on February 11, and will open elsewhere around the country later in the month and in March before becoming available on DVD in April.

spacer Recommends
spacer, Remembered and Reclaimed:, founded on February 1, 2007, is broadly conceived to provide reference information on people of African ancestry in the United States and around the world. is supported by a volunteer staff of twelve and over 500 volunteer contributors. The website has nearly 10,000 pages and is free and ungated. New features are added regularly. includes: An online encyclopedia featuring over 4,000 entries which describe people, places and events in African American and global African history; The complete text of over 200 speeches by African Americans and other people of African ancestry from 1789 to 2009. Over 100 full text Primary Documents—court decisions, laws, organizational statements, treaties, government reports and executive orders. Seven major timelines that show the history of people of African ancestry from 5 million B.C.E. to today, and much, much more.


Breath of LifeBreath of Life - A Sharing and Discussion of Black Music

Kalamu ya Salaam and his son, Mtume ya Salaam have created one of my favorite sites. I anxiously await ech weekly installment. If you enjoy music check out Breath of like you will not be disappointed. The follow is the "About Us" text from the Breath of Life website:

All humans make music. Black music (meaning music produced or heavily influenced by people of African descent) is one of the main forces in popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Even though Black music is ultimately a reflection and expression of the experiences of people of African descent, Black music is not an exclusively racial product. People from diverse backgrounds all over the world produce rap, jazz, blues, gospel, funk and many other forms of Black music. Additionally, from classical music to what is humorously called “hick hop” (rap influenced country music), Black music has directly affected all major forms of music in the world today.

This website is a celebration of Black music. We update every Sunday and offer three selections each week: a classic (music that is a major example of a specific genre or style), a contemporary (music produced within the last decade or so), and a cover (previously recorded music that is given a new or different interpretation).

Book Events & Related Events
2011 Literary FestivalThe 2011 Ladies of the Dove Literary Festival

The 2011 Ladies of the Dove Literary Festival is being held in Hinesville, Georgia on Saturday, March 12th from 10am-5pm. Featured authors include New York Times Best Selling Author Mary Monroe, Tina McElroy Ansa, Kendra Norman-Bellamy and more. Author and Vendor tables are now being reserved on a first come first serve basis.

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Urban Book FestivalThe First Annual "Baltimore Urban Book Fest" - Sunday April 10, 2011 From 3pm-7pm at The Fredrick Douglass-Issac Myers Maritime Park Museum Baltimore MD

Author Chris Hicks: AAMBC and The Frederick Douglass Museum Presents The First Annual "Baltimore Urban Book Fest"
Sunday April 10, 2011 From 3pm-7pm at The Fredrick Douglass-Issac Myers Maritime Park Museum 1417 Thames St Baltimore MD 21231.  $10 general admission, Kids 12 & under free, $5 admission with college id, $5 admission for all registered book clubs, Tickets may be purchased on the day of the event

There will be a live jazz band, fully catered buffet, light bar, special activities for kids will be available, special panel discussion. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the Ben Carlson Reading Rooms program to provide funding and support to local schools so that they can create a nurturing environment for a child to feel safe and secure as they develop their reading skills. We will also contribute to The Fredrick Douglass Museum Living Classroom Foundation in support of their hands-on, experience-based approach to education that emphasizes learning by doing and teaches important academics, job skills and life skills through real-world experiences.


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NPR, February 24, 2011 - Your 2011 Books-Into-Films Lineup, From 'Eyre' To 'Water' To 'Desert'

The Book: Somalian model-turned-writer Waris Dirie published Desert Flower in 1998, telling the world her story of escaping from her rural village after having been circumcised at 5 and sold into marriage at 13. She is now an international advocate against female genital mutilation, and also happens to be a stunner.

The Film: Ethiopian supermodel Liya Kebede takes on the Waris role — she is discovered in a London fast food restaurant by a fashion photographer, and soon it is all catwalks and, later, activism. This is a feel-good film, to be sure, but hinges on the precarious assumption that models can act.  View Trailer Here

Cick to Buy the Book Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad


Jeff FortChicago Tribune, February 18, 2011 - New book on the Black P. Stone Nation By Courtney Crowder

More than a decade before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Jeff Fort, longtime Chicagoan and former leader of the Blackstone Rangers, which morphed into El Rukn, one of the city's most lethal street gangs, and some of his fellow gang members were the first Americans to be convicted of domestic terrorism, according to "The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall and Resurgence of an American Gang."

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CULTURE: Sharmaine Lovegrove - Innovative Bookseller

The Short, Happy Life — and Digital Afterlife — of Berlin’s Dialogue Books

February 28, 2011 No Comments


After operating for six months as a “pop-up” bookstore, bookseller Sharmaine Lovegrove took her popular English-language store in Berlin online.

By Amanda DeMarco

BERLIN: Spend some time browsing through the ‘Cultural Connections’ on the web site for Sharmaine Lovegrove’s online bookstore, Dialogue Books — they’re enchanting, factoid-y, perfectly suited for serial online consumption. Each connection links a book with a place, idea, film, object, or piece of art. There’s The Kite Runner’s connection to Kabul; The Story of the Eye’s connection to instructions on how to perfectly hard-boil an egg; Things Fall Apart’s connection to The Roots’ album of the same name.

Sharmaine Lovegrove

Sharmaine Lovegrove took her "pop up" bookstore online

It’s not going to compete with Amazon, and it’s not supposed to. What it does do is give Lovegrove, a lifelong bookseller and more recently a literary consultant, an opportunity to cultivate her skills and promote her brand. As she describes it, “the bookshop is a platform to engage in the notion of bookselling because, in a certain sense, bookselling doesn’t exist anymore, which is the hardest thing for me to say.”

Lovegrove got her first job as a bookseller in London at a neighborhood bookshop at 16. Later she worked for Foyles, Waterstone’s, and the London Review Bookshop, then went into publicity. “I thought I wanted to be a publicist, but talking about seven or eight books at a time was very limiting . . . As a bookseller you have to understand the core of all of the books that you sell.”

Dialogue Books

So Lovegrove moved to Berlin, a city that reminded her of the London of her childhood, and opened up her own bookstore, Dialogue Books in December, 2009. 3,500 hand-picked titles lined the walls of Lovegrove’s tiny gem of a boutique, tucked away in the back room of a cafe in the stylish Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood.

Dialogue sponsored some of the hottest English-language events in the city. Interviews with Iain McGilchrist and Hans Fallada’s son, the book-launch party for Jenny Erpenbeck’s VisitationExberliner Magazine described Lovegrove’s activites as “A-list readings for the Soho House beau monde and more readings plus a book club for the plebeians.”

The store might not have had a front window, but sales were good. “I was happy and my accountant was happy. We were on an upward curve.” Lovegrove supports herself as an advisor for book-to-film projects, as well as for an academic library, so the shop simply needed to maintain itself.

But when she found herself at odds with the cafe owners over use of shared event space, she had to consider how much conflict the shop ultimately was worth. Lovegrove is ambitious and energetic, and it’s easy to see how setting up her dream store would be more satisfying to her than enjoying its continuation. “When I had this opportunity to stop, I said, ‘Am I really going to be standing behind the counter in five years?’ and I had to realize that I wasn’t going to be that person.” So Dialogue closed its doors in June 2010.

Dialogue Chair

A word here about Berlin’s English-language book market: during its six-month tenure as a physical store, Dialogue was Berlin’s only English-language store specializing in new books. Another Country, recently named the sixth-best bookstore in the world by Lonely Planet, has carved out a niche among Berliners with its extensive (used) science-fiction section, as well as by functioning as a lending library (patrons pay the full price of the book, then receive all but €1.50 back if and when they return it).Berlin’s used-book market is otherwise quite pricey — stores tend to charge nearly what Dialogue charged for a new title (obviously with a better margin).

Lovegrove explained that localized perceptions of worth complicated her interactions with Berliners because “the value of things becomes really mixed up in the value of the city and the ethos of the city.” Much of Berlin’s appeal for literate foreigners is its low price-tag, a boon that’s become a veritable mystique. Mayor Klaus Wowereit’s declaration that Berlin is “poor but sexy” is now an old saw, and though the Anglophone expat community is not particularly poor, they do want to engage in the spirit of the city, and it turns out that building a quality library is just not very “Berlin.”

“The reason we didn’t open a second shop in Berlin is that I suddenly had this fear that I would have to sell Harry Potter to people who didn’t speak English very well and that I felt that would really diminish my skills as a bookseller. I want to enhance my skills.” So what’s a dyed-in-the-wool bookseller to do when she’s outgrown her boutique bookstore, but her city probably couldn’t support a shop to fit her ambitions?

She goes online. “How I describe it to people: we had a pop-up shop for six months, we got to build a mailing list, we got people to know who we are, we got to collaborate with some people, so that when we went online we were established enough that we were already getting orders. What I wanted to do was to think about how to make my skills as a bookseller accessible online.” The site keeps Lovegrove publicly engaged, important to her work as a literary consultant, and gives her a place to showcase her personal flair.

And so far, so good: “People are doing exactly what I wanted them to do on the site, they’re spending a lot of time browsing, they’re looking through the Cultural Connections.” Dialogue will continue sponsoring events, and in the next year Lovegrove will ramp up her “Book Doctor” program, which she describes as similar to a life-coach or physical trainer for people “who are struggling with forming a foundation of cultural identity and feel that they’re missing out.”

And of course it’s one more outlet for intensive interaction with books, which, for as personal and expert as Lovegrove has tried to make her website, she admits she often now seeks from her other work: “It’s really hard for me. I’m used to being a shop girl and I’m not a shop girl anymore. It’s really hard for me to get used to that.”





    After working as a publicist and bookseller in London for over a decade, Sharmaine Lovegrove took to Berlin like a storm, sweeping the local English lit community off its sturdily shod feet with a whirlwind of initiatives, events and readings under her Dialogue Books umbrella venture.

    Her Prenzl’Berg pop-up store might be gone, but Lovegrove’s busy with A-list readings for the Soho House beau monde and more readings plus a book club for the plebeians. This month she opens her online storefront, the perfect opportunity to ask this indefatigable woman about her highlights of 2010.

    Best literary event in Berlin this year?

    I really enjoyed the literary nightclub from Blumenbar Verlag at WMF. Sadly no longer running, this was a really interesting night of readings, music and visuals attended by Berlin’s publishing folk.

    Best Dialogue event in Berlin?

    The Hans Fallada (Alone in Berlin) event with Fallada’s son Ulrich Ditzen was much-anticipated, and the launch party for Jenny Erpenbeck’s English edition of The Visitation at Soho House was also a very special occasion for us... However, I think our Book Club is my favorite event.

    Best Berlin venue for readings?

    I really like The Direktorenhaus. Our guests loved wandering around the venue looking at the eclectic collection of artworks and illustrations before taking a seat for the reading. And it accommodates a good number of people to ensure an interesting discussion will follow.

    Best Berlin venue for reading?

    Café Hilde: that’s where I can usually be found with a glass of red wine and a baked potato two hours before Dialogue Book Club…

    Your best bit of Berlin lit gossip?

    Part of the joys of being a bookseller is the people you meet — and the secrets you keep.

    Christmas gift tip: your favorite book of 2010?

    The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. It created something of a storm on account of its controversial plot and use of colorful language, and was also accused of being misogynistic. But I particularly enjoyed the way the plot moved forward through the device of each character having their own chapter, enabling the reader to form their own subjective opinion along the way.

    What to look forward to in 2011?

    The new Dialogue Berlin online shop! It’s also a cultural portal that aims to plug into an international discourse around our handpicked and considered selection of English-language books.

    December 7, 2010




    HAITI: Haiti’s carnival king drums up presidential support « Repeating Islands

    Haiti’s carnival king drums up presidential support

    Playing the bongo drums to adoring fans is unusual as presidential campaigns go but this is the Caribbean and Michel Martelly is no ordinary candidate: he is Haiti’s former carnival king, as Agence France Presse reports.

    In the nation’s cultural capital Jacmel, residents donned extravagant papier mache masks, started up the band and marched through the streets, refusing to be cowed by natural disaster and political turmoil.

    Many of the town’s brightly-colored, colonial-era facades were destroyed by the January 2010 earthquake that claimed a quarter of a million Haitian lives, including some 500 Jacmellians.

    The carnival, the city’s lifeblood, was canceled last year as traumatized residents rebuilt shattered lives, but the catchy rhythm of traditional compas music blares once more through historic streets.

    Last night, the town had a surprise visitor when the artist formerly known as “Sweet Micky,” the self-proclaimed “president of compas,” held a rally by the beach to whip up support ahead of next month’s run-off election.

    Martelly, 50, is a familiar figure here and is hopeful his iconic status as a musician and outrageous carnival performer can help take him all the way to the flattened presidential palace in Port-au-Prince.

    But for some voters in a nation confronted by deadly serious problems, ranging from cholera and corruption to endemic poverty and returning dictators, Martelly’s colorful past is no cure-all.

    Violet, 18, who arrived at the rally in a pink shirt on the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle does not seem fussed. She just hoped it was the rock star that turned up, not the politician.

    “I came for Sweet Micky, but I think I’ll get Michel Martelly,” she told AFP, among hundreds of delighted girls in pink vying to catch a glimpse of their hero.

    Pink is Martelly’s signature color and has been for years, since he regularly rocked the floats at the carnival.

    Pink posters, pink flags, pink shirts, pink hats and a special pink stage, adorned the city overnight, before his supposedly surprise arrival.

    As a musical star, Martelly was famous for dirty, straight-talking songs. His 1990′s hit “Yon ti Moral” called out the government and police forces for stealing rice in a corruption scheme during Haiti’s embargo days.

    Mirlande Manigat, the other candidate for president, has framed this vital presidential election around morality, a pointed jab at Martelly’s former wild days and off-color lyrics.

    Before he arrived to take the stage in Jacmel, a singer led the crowd through one of Martelly’s dirtiest songs. The lyrics are unprintable.

    “I’m 100 percent for Manigat,” said Claude Etienne, a teacher. “If she was here, you might see a few people, not thousands. But that’s because there’s more bad people than good people.”

    But Etienne too sang along, then watched as a man dressed as a woman launched into a fierce dance routine. Although he said he believed Martelly followers were immoral, he had no qualms about enjoying the show.

    “I’m just here to relax, have a few beers, smoke some cigarettes, and then go home,” he said.

    The earthquake delayed the election cycle in Haiti, so no candidate has ever had the chance to campaign at carnival time. It would seem a natural fit for Martelly, up against a bookier and less hip rival in 70-year-old Manigat.

    Throughout his campaign, Martelly has leaned on his celebrity to draw crowds. Some are curious, some hopeful he’ll sing.

    Wyclef Jean, the Haitian-born international hip-hop star, recently endorsed Martelly and was spotted with the candidate this weekend in Jacmel.

    Music, especially compas, is a vital component of Haitian life. Weddings, funerals, political rallies and street corners are all infused with its rhythm and melody.

    Natalie, 19, again in pink, was not offended by Martelly’s lyrics.

    “They’re about things that happen in life,” she said. “He’s lived through it; he’s not associating himself with it. At least, not anymore.”

    Martelly seized the carnival celebrations as a campaign event but downplayed his own identity as a musician.

    As he took the stage on Saturday, he posed for photos and spent a few minutes playing along with the band on a set of bongo drums.

    He sang a few bars but left most of the singing to others, and, as if to counter his wild boy reputation, his wife and kids were in tow.

    Fans who came expecting a performance of a different kind were disappointed.

    “I’m going to head downtown and see if I can still catch some music,” said one voter, Wilson Charles.

    For the original report go to


    A LUTA CONTINUA: Libya & Mercenaries - It's A Complex Situation

    African mercenaries in Libya nervously await their fate

    Mercenaries captured in Libya are facing an uncertain future, writes Nick Meo in Al-Bayda.

    Mohammed, a boy of about 16 from Chad, said he was offered a free flight to Tripoli but found a gun thrust into his hand on the plane


    Image 2 of 2
    Mohammed, a boy of about 16 from Chad, said he was offered a free flight to Tripoli but found a gun thrust into his hand on the plane Photo: JULIAN SIMMONDS
     African mercenaries in Libya nervously await their fate
    Foreign fighters captured by local Libyans and kept prisoner at a school near Al Bayda in eastern Libya. Photo: JULIAN SIMMONDS


    Crowded into an empty classroom which was stinking of unwashed bodies and reeking of fear, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's defeated mercenary killers awaited their fate.

    A week earlier the men – Libyan loyalists of the dictator and black African recruits – had been landed at airports throughout eastern Libya and sent out into the streets to shoot protesters in a murderous rampage. They killed dozens before they were overwhelmed by anti-Gaddafi militias.

    The survivors were exhausted, filthy, far from home, and fearful of execution, even though they had been assured of good treatment. Fifty of them lay on mattresses on the floor in one classroom alone, with nearly 100 more in the same school building which was being used as a temporary prison. Most looked dazed. Some were virtually children.

    "A man at the bus station in Sabha offered me a job and said I would get a free flight to Tripoli," said Mohammed, a boy of about 16 who said he had arrived looking for work in the southern Libyan town only two weeks ago from Chad, where he had earned a living as a shepherd.

    Instead of Tripoli, he was flown to an airport near the scruffy seaside town of Al-Bayda and had a gun thrust into his hands on the plane.

    Gaddafi's commanders told the ragbag army they had rounded up that rebels had taken over the eastern towns. The colonel would reward them if they killed protesters. If they refused, they would be shot themselves. The result was bloody mayhem.

    About fifty people were killed in Al-Bayda city and twenty more in a village near the airport. Dozens of anti-Gaddafi militia were killed or wounded during a terrific firefight at the airport where 3000 local men gathered to attack mercenary reinforcements as they disembarked from a plane.

    Hundreds more were killed in battles in Benghazi and almost every other town in eastern Libya.

    Wrecked tanks and burnt-out police stations were testimony to the ferocity of the uprising and the battles when the mercenary counter-attack arrived, for miles along the coast road and in all the major towns west of the Egyptian border.

    The departure lounge floor at Labrak airport was littered with smashed glass and cartridge cases, with blood smears across the white tiled floor from battle casualties. Giant rocks had been dragged across the runway to stop any more attempts to land mercenaries and a few jumpy-looking militia men were still around in case they tried again.

    In halting Arabic, Mohammed, the young Chadian, tried to explain how he had ended up on the wrong side in somebody else's revolution.

    Mohammed drifted into Libya looking for casual work, like many sub-Saharan Africans, perhaps with the hope of eventually finding people smugglers who would take him across the Mediterranean to Europe.

    "I wanted a better life, not war and destruction," he said. He insisted that he had been treated well since his surrender, with regular meals, and said he hoped he would be allowed to return home soon.

    "I didn't really know what was going on. They told me to do these things and I was really scared when the shooting started."

    From his mumbled, incoherent account it was clear that he didn't really understand himself how it had happened.

    He was a boy with a quiet, pleasing manner and dreamy eyes, who spoke slowly and tried to be helpful. He looked ridiculous, wearing a windcheater indoors with the hood up. He must have wanted nothing more than to get back to life with his goats in Chad. What horrors he had witnessed during his brief career as a militia thug could only be guessed at. The violence was horrific.

    The Sunday Telegraph was shown video footage shot on mobile phone cameras of a young protester being shot in the head by a secret policeman during a demonstration, slumping lifeless to the ground with blood pouring from his head. Another showed a captured mercenary lynched from a street lamp after he had surrendered. A third film showed a black African hanging on a meathook, with angry young men crowding round to stare at his corpse.

    The man most responsible for Mohammed's ordeal – excepting Colonel Gaddafi himself – was being held in an adjoining classroom, with the rest of the Libyan prisoners.

    "I am sorry for what happened," said Othman Fadil Othman, a Gaddafi loyalist from the southern town of Sabha, just across the Chad border.

    He was a small cog in a cruel machine of repression, although possibly a willing one. It was Mr Othman who had approached Mohammed at the bus station in Sabha as he rounded up recruits. Now Mr Othman was desperately trying to excuse himself.

    "Gaddafi betrayed us all. We were told we were being sent east to stage demonstrations in favour of Colonel Gaddafi. I didn't know there was going to be an attack on the protesters."

    It seemed more likely that Mr Othman was trying to save his skin than tell the truth. A beefy, confident man of 30, with three wives and several children back home – he told us with a smirk – he spent a career as a party organiser in Gaddafi's bizarre Soviet-style dictatorship, telling people what to do.

    He worked for the youth wing headed by the dictator's son Saeef. Mr Othman still couldn't quite bring himself to condemn the colonel. It was painfully obvious that he was hopelessly unsuited for Gaddafi's attempt to terrorise his own people into submission.

    Like nearly all the captives Mr Othman had no military training. Unleashing thugs and mercenaries like him had backfired disastrously.

    Instead of being cowed, Libyans were appalled that their dictator was murdering his own people with foreign killers, and the could see that instead of a formidable security operation, Gaddafi's ragbag army ran away as soon as protesters fired back. Horrified and growing in courage at the same time, Libyans all over the east rallied to the protesters' cause.

    Beaten and captive, Mr Othman was doing his best to do what political organisers everywhere try to do in a tight corner – talk their way out of trouble. He oozed unconvincing gratitude for his captors. "I thought they would shoot me when we were captured," he said. "But they have treated us so kindly."

    The chances are he will be reunited fairly soon with his three wives.

    "Some of them are completely innocent people who were duped, some of them were sent here by Gaddafi to make Libyans kill each other," said Abdullah Al-Mortdy, a lawyer who has become one of the captors of the mercenaries.

    "Some of them who organised the attack will have to face a trial, but they will not be executed. We are a merciful people and they will be treated leniently," he said.

    "Most of them are victims of Gaddafi's system. Gaddafi wants us to shoot them – that's one reason why he sent them here. He calculates that if we do that, their families will vow revenge and come here to fight us. He has controlled Libya for 42 years by dividing people against each other. But this is over now. We are united against him."

    To demonstrate how merciful the revolution was, Mr Al-Mortdy ordered that one of the men who was beyond doubt a committed killer be brought out of his classroom-prison to answer questions

    Amir Hamada, 25 and from Tripoli, was a sniper with the supposedly elite Khamis Brigade, named after one of Gaddafi's sons. Their fighters were the most highly-trained and best-armed force in Libya.

    But instead of crushing the rebellion, in Al-Bayda they wreaked havoc on a suburb, breaking into homes and killing people, before the anti-Gaddafi militia caught up with them and quickly put them to flight. Many are probably still in hiding in the fields around the city, having stripped off their uniforms.

    Mr Hamada gave himself up after he was surrounded, and was doubly lucky to survive capture; not only did he belong to the most hated unit in Gaddafi's forces, but he was a sniper who had almost certainly shot down unarmed protesters.

    He shifted uncomfortably during a brief interview in the school corridor – it was judged too dangerous to go into the room where he was being held with other Khamis Brigade men.

    "Gaddafi is a coward," he mumbled unconvincingly after being prompted, looking down at the floor. "I had to obey orders. You have to in the army."

    Mr Al-Mortdy said even he would probably be freed fairly soon. "These young men are brainwashed into loyalty to Gaddafi. As soon as the dictator is dead or flees abroad his spell over them will be broken. They won't be a danger to the new Libya once Gaddafi is gone."

    But they asked The Sunday Telegraph not to disclose exactly where the prisoners were being held, for fear they would be lynched by angry townspeople. The militiamen armed with machine-guns were there to protect the prisoners, rather than stop them escaping. One look inside the classroom-prisons showed that there was no fight left in the captured mercenaries.

    Elsewhere there was other evidence of captives being treated with kindness. In Al-Bayda's main hospital a young man of about 18 was recovering after suffering a terrible head injury in the battle at the airport. He was in a coma and no one knew his name.

    In the next ward was Wail Abdul Salam, 25, brought in from the same battle with a bullet wound to the stomach which had caused appalling internal injuries. He was a policeman who had joined the protesters.

    Dr Suleiman Rafadi, who spent years in London at Guys Hospital before returning home, was delighted that he had saved the lives of both men. "They are both Libyans, and in their different ways both victims of Gaddafi," he said, beaming hugely.

    He admitted that the terrible injuries he had seen had left him shaken and angry. "The world must understand that we are being attacked by this criminal ruler," he said. "Why is he doing this to his own people?"







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    Libya: Gadhafi has History of Using Mercenaries

    Retired army Lt. Col. Robert Brown is editor and publisher of Soldier of Fortune Magazine.  It reports on what it calls “news and adventure.”  The magazine’s editorial policy is stated as pro-military, pro-strong U.S. defense, pro-police and pro-veteran.There have been numerous reports that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is using mercenaries to try to quell the unrest in his country.  It wouldn’t be the first time he’s employed outside fighters.

    Brown says Mr. Gadhafi has a history of using mercenaries.

    “You’ve had Gadhafi employing mercenaries way back in the late 70s, when he had Americans, when he had employed two notorious individuals – Frank Terpil and Ed Wilson - who served as advisors to him.  And they had brought in a number under false pretenses, I do believe, Americans that had been discharged, or some which were actually on active duty taking leave working for him.  It became quite a scandal back then.  So, it’s not something unusual,” he says.

    Both Terpil and Wilson were former CIA agents accused of many crimes, including illegal arms dealing.

    Not all mercenaries alike

    Brown says mercenaries are easy to be found in Africa.

    “Africa is a very open ground, if you will, for recruiting.  You had a lot of your South African soldiers, after the apartheid government fell, serving in Executive Outcomes, which actually did a very good job in suppressing the RUF (Revolutionary United Front) in Sierra Leone.  You had a lot of Chadians I think that are now with Gadhafi’s forces,” he says.

    Brown says mercenaries can be motivated by any number of things to fight, including adventure and especially money.  But he says not all mercenaries are alike.

    “Well, it’s hard to say what their level of training is,” he says, “whether they’re just thugs that can go around and beat people as an irregular force or whether they’ve been trained.  This I don’t think anybody knows.  And certainly their effectiveness is going to be predicated on what type of training they have and what their capabilities are.  Certainly, it doesn’t take a great deal of training to go around and beat civilians or shoot civilians.”

    He says they do know that if they are caught by the opposition that their lives are at stake.  And if reports from Libya are true, suspected mercenaries have not been treated kindly.

    He says there can be a big difference between those called mercenaries and those called contractors, like those we’ve seen in Iraq working on behalf of the U.S.

    Brown says, “People that Gadhafi has certainly don’t have the training or the capabilities as the people who’ve been hired as contractors.  Because whether you approve or disapprove of contractors, it’s been my experience that these people for the most part are very well trained, or they wouldn’t be hired.”

    Robert Brown has been the editor of Soldier of Fortune Magazine since its founding 35 years ago.




    African viewpoint: Colonel's continent?

    Col Muammar Gaddafi in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2008

    In our series of viewpoints from African journalists, filmmaker and columnist Farai Sevenzo ponders Libya's relationship with the rest of Africa.

    To lose one dictator as the year began may have been fortuitous, to lose two and a possible third in the space of three months seems miraculous.

    Start Quote

    He had no qualms about pitching his tent in our capitals”

    The desert winds of change blowing across North Africa are howling a firestorm in the direction of the conundrum that is Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and Africans are reeling from the speed of it all.

    In the theatre of these revolutions, the man currently occupying centre stage has more reason than others to take up the interests of Africans, and so the death throes of his 42-year-old regime are reverberating across an entire continent.

    The colonel's theatrical character seems to have walked out of the pages of macabre fiction, and as the years passed, the character came closer to a caricature of the absolute dictator than to the memory of the 27-year-old captain who took Libya kicking and screaming into the second half of the 20th Century, then remained stuck there well into the 21st.

    Tunisia's former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali loved and exploited his Parisian connections and kept his distance from Africans; Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was caught in the net of the Middle East and its conflicts - and was in any case paranoid about black Africa ever since gunmen fired on his motorcade in Ethiopia's Addis Ababa.

    The colonel, though, embraced us.

    African portfolio
    Muammar Gaddafi in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia in 2008Libya's wealth has allowed Col Gaddafi to foster close ties with African leaders

    He had no qualms about pitching his tent in our capitals and could drive his motorcade across several African borders to attend a conference or just to dazzle us with oil money as an array of designer shaded curvaceous bodyguards attended to his needs.

    A brief examination of the colonel's African connections reveals a deep-rooted intent to forge ties with the rest of Africa.

    Having come to power in that decade of former UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's "winds of change" speech, there was not a liberation movement that had not received his backing.

    From Nelson Mandela's African National Congress in South Africa to Namibia's freedom fighters, plus every rebel without a cause like Sierra Leone's Foday Sankoh to Liberia's Charles Taylor, Uganda's late Idi Amin and even that country's present leader Yoweri Museveni - they have all supped at his revolutionary table or taken his money and weapons.

    Only the other year Mr Gaddafi was the chairman of the African Union, and has almost single-handedly funded its existence for decades.

    As head of this largely mute and ineffective brotherhood of presidents, the colonel pushed for a United Africa over which he would preside.

    Start Quote

    We had 70-80 people from Chad working for our company - they were cut dead with pruning shears and axes, attackers saying: 'You are providing troops for Gaddafi'”

    Turkish worker

    His money had of course spent a long time constructing such a possibility.

    Libyan investments in Africa through its huge reserves of oil are legion and the soaring price for this black gold enabled the Libya Africa Portfolio for Investments (LAP) to set up a "sovereign wealth fund" in 2006.

    And then there is Oil Libya Holding company, the Libyan Arab Company for African Investments, Afriqiyah Airlines and a host of other portfolios.

    Lake Victoria Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda, is 100% owned by the Libyan sovereign wealth fund, the Novotel Umubano in Kigali is 60% owned by the Libyans; there is real estate in Uganda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, South Africa; brand new mosques in East and West Africa have been built with the colonel's cash.

    Did the Africans accept him as a new Kwame Nkrumah, the founding father of Africa's independence movement, or did his money know no ideology?

    It is no wonder then, that the colonel's dilemma is making headlines all over the continent.

    Questions have been tabled in the Zimbabwean parliament as to whether Zimbabwean forces are involved in propping up Mr Gaddafi's last stand, even as 46 people are languishing in a Harare jail for watching videos of the Egyptian uprising.

    Venomous hatred

    Rumours are everywhere of a recruitment drive for mercenaries in Nigeria and Ghana.

    And now, as things fall apart, the colonel is defiantly holding on with many reports suggesting that Africans, black Africans, are the crutches on which his depleted army is now hobbling.

    Egyptian evacuees carry luggage prior to take a bus after fleeing from Libya, on 25 February 2011, at the Ras Jdir border post, near the Tunisian city of Ben GuerdaneThousands of foreigners are trying to flee the chaos in Libya

    In the past week, the phrase "African mercenaries" has been repeated by Libyan citizens and rolling news, eyewitnesses to the violence in Tripoli have spat the word "African" with venomous hatred.

    Part of the Libyan story now is the scramble to escape of Turks, Germans, Indians, Englishmen, Italians, Malaysians and a host of other nationalities that include black men commonly known as Africans.

    In the violence of the last fortnight, the colonel's African connections have only served to rekindle a deep-rooted racism between Arabs and black Africans.

    As mercenaries, reputedly from Chad and Mali fight for him, a million African refugees and thousands of African migrant workers stand the risk of being murdered for their tenuous link to him.

    One Turkish construction worker told the BBC: "We had 70-80 people from Chad working for our company. They were cut dead with pruning shears and axes, attackers saying: 'You are providing troops for Gaddafi.' The Sudanese were also massacred. We saw it for ourselves."

    Libya's new forces for change have simply picked up where the colonel left off his bloodletting.

    And as the world moves to freeze Libya's assets, they must unpick the intricate web of the colonel's investments and decide what is his and what is Libya's - although in 42 years of absolute power it has never been easy to tell the difference.

    Belated noises are now coming from the African Union, condemning the use of violence.

    Even that anonymous community made from that meaningless phrase - the international community - now deny ever arming him, and claim there is no evidence that their teargas has been used against protesters, as if teargas floats in the colours of a national flag so we can all know where it was made as we choke.

    The forces of change must now hope that Mr Gaddafi's fighting friends evaporate, and he can live out his last days in a tent pitched on a hotel lawn once owned by Libya, or Gaddafi plc; or face the music.

    For more on events in Africa listen to the BBC's Network Africa Weekend programme on Saturday and Sunday at 0400 GMT and 0600 GMT.

    If you would like to comment on Farai Sevenzo's latest column, please use the form below. A selection of views will be published.

    There is no love lost between Africans and Arabs and it definitely does not start with events in Libya; it just provides the best opportunity to clear the Arab country of the despised hue and physiognomy that the African represents. If we Africans are not highly exploitable, we can never be exploited!

    Fodei M. Conteh, Sierra Leone & Cyprus

    Black Africans today have forgotten the first survival lesson taught by our grandparents "Do not eat anything offered to you by strangers on the roadside -- Do not tell reveal your real or family names -- Do not go into their houses even if they offer to slaughter a fat cow. Stay within your family compound and be satsfied with your mother's cooking." What is happening in Libya today is the ancient curse of the leopard -- rather sad that so many innocent people must get caught in this judgment.

    Margaret S. Maringa,

    Look folks, Gaddafi current plight is a classic case of chicken coming home to roost. For more than a decade this demon has exported violence in poor African countries. He is the main purveyor of voilence on the continent and his bloodletting extends from Central Africa (Chad) to the West (Liberia). He did not hesitate to lend hand to those who sought to destabilize a peaceful and functioning government. Little did he know that one day his dirty deeds will catch up with him. His time is up and he must heed the will of the Libyan people and leave.

    Nyaquoi Gehgan, USA

    I come from Sierra Leone now a US citizen. The reason why I left my country in 1998 was because of the war. I bore the blunt of that war and allegedly financed by Ghadafi. I want him gone.and tried for terrorism and crimes against humanity.

    Henry Williams, USA/Sierra Leone

    Although the name Gaddafi is a known name in Africa, but its a name that evokes diverse opinions within the African continent. To this day Africans find it hard to reconcile what he claim to stand for with his actions over the years. The idea of playing and parading himself as the eagle and leader of a revolution that is very unpopular among Africans would have found a better meaning, if he had sincerely tried to build his country beyond himself. At this moment that he is under the flood-light, we can't but see him better and understand what he is made of, just as many Africans now feel a sense of shame to have had him as the AU chairman not long ago. If Kwame Nkrumah left a legacy, what can we say that Gaddafi built over the ages that are not crumbling even now that he is still alive.

    Obaa Emmanuel Livingspring, Madrid, Spain

    When I was growing up I first read a comic book of his revolution at the age of ten. Since then as dictators came and went.Colonel Gadaffi has made an impression on me as a Man who truely loves Africa! Infact Libyans could complain that he spent their wealth on other africans! but if those Africans he helped put in power built schools and mosques and many forms of development just to show that Africans can for themselves. if those africans would abandon him to be swallowed by Western Impellialism and their lies and just let him go as a dictator in the name of the so called democracy...if they could do that...they should receive the the names and fate that the western press gives our beloved leader. If there is any one person who was half as generous as he is let them step forward.

    Preston White, London

    This man has been accused of many things and listening to the West who just recently were happy to accept his generous hospitality, you will think that he is worst than Hitler. The racism and contemptuous attitudes of Arabs towards black African has made a natural sceptic of any overtures from them to forge a closer link with black Africa but Gaddafi was an exception. Yes, he may have been implicated in destabilising some African governments but his contribution to freedom courses throughout the continent and beyond and his investment should not be overlooked. When the West ignored the young military junta in The Gambia following the coup in 1994, he embraced them and supported them with cash and one of the biggest hotels in Banjul belongs to Libya but I now learnt that his former friend Yaya Jammeh is calling for him to go. How time changes?

    Musa Bah, London

    Sure Gaddafi contributed many unwise, ill advice adventures in the African continent including the destruction of Somali nation. And the Libya people are now taking the same road, using same violent as Gaddafi killing innocent African people in Libya. In my small hometown in northern Somalia there are confirm reports that three Somali refuge from this area were shot dead in Tripoli.

    Ahmed, Buhodle, Somalia

    Prinston has said it all.Western imperialism is at work here.I think we should support Ghadaffi because when we saw protesters in Tunisia and Egypt they were not carrying weapons but these CIA and MI6 and whatever else Propped agents are carrying weapons how can we tell who kills who in Libya. Ghaddafi is a sitting Leader so he has the right to stop the destabilization of his government.Will the American or any of these hypocritical governments allow it's citizen to protest like that without trying overtly or covertly to control the stages? in fact any government will try to control the stage and work for it's and the people's interest?

    Jibrin Ibn Gadamosi, NIGERIA

    The lunatic muamur gaddafi,who has been in power for 42 year,yet his quest for power make him to be killing his own people like fowls.It' very unfortunate and regretable that he is using black poor african to carry out this mass killing with europeans weopons. Illitracy and lack of moral convictions has made this mad man to order airstrikes against peaceful protesters.It is not a suprise that it took italian prime minister long before he condem his ally use of heavy bombardment aginst women and children protesters,just because of oil.

    Paul Chibuzor Anyaorah, Amaokpala Town, Orumba North, Nigeria

    To many an African, black African, who has had to endure the brunt of Gaddafi's numerous escapades characterized pseudo-revolutionary rhetoric and sponsored violence, the sooner he exits the better. for Libya, Africa/the region and world at large. But even as the desired hastened departure of Gaddafi assumes the dominant thinking of his many victims and 'ideological' (that is, if he ever had any ideology) nemesis/critics, the potential reply of Iraq's Saddam Hussein, including the post Hussein Irag, should never be relegated with a whiff to the unconscious, even subconscious. How naive to believe, even wish, that four unbroken decades of consolidated megalomania and active promotion of international terrorism, the latter with the real prospect of Gaddafi having to account for his egregious crimes, will he exit the comfort and protection offered by him being at Libya's helm without a flexing of the muscle. Any surprise he and his sons have hollered to 'fight to the death,' and 'in rivers of blood!' Without a doubt, it is the expected fallout form all this for Libya, Africa/the region and world security, and how it can be managed, that must now actively exercise world thinking. This should be contemplated against the backcloth of the reported plethora of weapons of violence at Gaddafi's disposal, even as he continues to be cornered by his long oppressed masses. Gaddafi's potential to deliberately proliferate such lethal weapons of violenc, as is already evident in Libya, and the implications for Libya, the region and the world should not be taken with a wait-and-see attitude. Ignoring that will sooner rather than later be at our collective peril. Hope not! That said, for now it seems the chickens have come home to roost for Moamar Gaddafi.

    A.M. Collier, Freetown, Sierra Leone

    It is so sad to hear mute responses from alot of African Governments. Not that they have not formed up there opinions but its largely because alot of these Governemnts have long dismissed him as jocker. Angola for example ruled by another dictator sitting on an oil economy Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos has never paid attention to who Gaddafi is. And this factor and attitude reflects in the Angola people as well. Angolan people are busy rebuilding their country. Angola was the only country which infact slowed Gaddadfi's program of wanting to declare the African Union as one nation at the time Gaddafi had wanted. The Angolan President is also heavily involved in Ivory Coast and yet the International community does not seem to know as to how handle Mr. Santos. Oil money I guese!1What is sad however is the fact that while Libya is experiencing all these changes, Angola is sinking deeper and no one would ever attempt to stand up to Jose Eduardo dos Santos.The only good thing is the fact that Gaddafi is going down, and as to whether the remaining dictators ( Santos, Biye and Museveni) have anything to learn will be a wait and see situation. Ultimately they should all go!!!!

    Esperanca Baptista, Angola/USA

    Gadhafi claims he has no official post, just a leader or patron of the revolution. Then when the noose began to tighten around his neck he said he was like the Queen of the United Kingdom; he had no real power. So I said how amazing and ironic is that this guy overthrew a monarchy only to install himself as a secular monarch, actually in the process of preparing his son, Saif-Islam, to take over him, the Syrian way. It is high pass noon since he should have been gone long ago. This guy has had a hand in many destabilizing events on the continent, including Sierra Leone, Liberia, The Gambia, Chad, Burkina Faso and even my country Ghana where he sponsored the 1981 coup of JJ Rawlings. The murderous Rawlings regime stayed for 19years before he and his party were kicked out by the people. Suddenly Gadhafi's time is up, and he has nowhere to run to but to stay, fight and die. He will get his death wish, in the next few days. But then he is not alone, there are a lot of Gadhafis on the African continent who came by coups and metamorphosed into undeclared life-presidents. This is the reason for the muted response coming from the African continent, as no leader has been bold enough to call on Gadhafi to step down. Probably they are praying incessantly that he survives and prevails over the forces aligned against him. Fear is that the wind of change that is currently sweeping across North Africa might turn southerly very soon to blow them away. The signs are written on the wall. The Africans have lost their fear of dictators. When Gadhafi made his coup in 1969, Barack Obama was only six years and in Grade 1. That is how long ago. Game over.

    Eric Bottah, Canada

    In Africa even a ten year-old has ever heard about this man whose name is synonymous with violence.I agree with the colleagues who have correctly stated that the man destabilished the whole continent by interfering in internal affairs of countries.Like Napoleon Bonaparte he has an insatiable appetite for power and glory.It is the search for these that has consumed all his energies in pushing for an impractical 'United States of Africa' with no one but himself as the omnipotent leader and his fellow lunatic- Mugabe as his deputy. Ugandans were surprised when this demon once came to Kampala and advised Museveni not to leave power for as he put it 'Revolutionaries do not retire' and Museveni has taken up this advice since ! He even had the guts to promote Museveni's son to a military rank of his choice, forgetting that Uganda is not Libya where he is a god. I really dont see him surviving for another week. It is time to leave Libya or commit suicide. Other African dictators who have glued themselves in presidency should better watch out because popular protests cannot be stopped by the barrels of bombs.

    Grace, Kampala , Uganda

    This demon only turned his sights south toward black Africa after his Arab brothers refused to back him up when Reagan bombed him in 1986. The results were catastrophic with his export of wars and its resultant carnage to our people. I watched with disgust his feeble attempts to correct his sins by giving handouts of his iol money to our governments in Sierra Leone in an effort to make ammends. I was praying that our leaders tell him to keep his blood stained largese and "Go to hell" inspite of our poverty. The guy is comical and I hope he is toppled to face justice for all his crimes.

    Bai Turay, USA from Sierra Leone

    What amazes me most is the fact that Gaddafi still believes that killing largely unarmed Libyan citizens is good for 'Libya'. I am inclined to believe that it has always been about himself and not Libya or Africa that drives his policies. What kind of a man is he that, instead of accepting that there is more to life than Gaddafi, would rather burn the whole country to spite those that dare challenge his supposed invincibility? He is certainly raising the stacks and I hope that he is also prepared to fall spectaculary and hard enough for the sake of our history. Does anyone remember a GREAT AND SEEMINGLY INVINCIBLE man who was later pulled by his whiskers from a foul-smelling rat hole? The right thing for Gaddafi and his family to do is to stop the killings, gather whatever loot they have hoarded and say their goodbys to Libya. We all know that he is only a human being who has been addicted to power and pampering so much that he now believes that losing those would be the same as being dead. I feel for the fellow innocent black Africans who have found themselves in a hostile Arab community that had never accepted the fact that they also are Africans. The fact that they can prove that they are peaceful economic migrants will not save them as they are a race that had always been dispised by the Arabs. Unlike the fortunate nationalities that are being whisked to safety by the rich governments and countries, the black Africans have to find their own ways of escaping. On the way, they should be praying that they do not come across any groups of Arabs.

    Bernedict Dzumbira, Leeds, UK

    Arab slave trade on the African continent left a lot of wounds in the minds of those aware of this dark history, from the kidnapping of African Women and Children, to the Genocide of Africans by Oman Arab slave traders, Arab states have been shy in apologising about their continent's role in brutalising Africa.The case of Sudan where an Arab led Government has continued to practice enslavement of Black Africans is a constant reminder in the minds of Black Activists that we need to challenge and hold accountable the Arab states role in Africa colonisation and enslavement on their own continent.

    Desire Katihabwa, Aberdeen,Scotland

    It serves Quadafi right. He is reaping what he's sown. In Ghana we believe in an old saying, "just prior to the goat"s death, it struggles". This is the end of Quadafi. He is done, gone, finished. This is the man who supported Jerry Rawlings of Ghana to topple a legitimate regime in Ghana in 1981. He used Libyan money to finance such useless actions throughout the African continent. Just like his son said, plans A, B and C are to live and die in Libya. This is absolutely true but I promise them, they have a few weeks to live if these plans work out for them.

    Tony Osei-Wusu, Salisbury/USA













    WOMEN: Rape - When Are We Going To Stop Rape? What Will It Take?

    Mass Rape Trail in Eastern DR Congo
    On 21 Feb 2011, a mobile military tribunal convicted a Lt. Colonel in the Congolese army and eight of his subordinates on charges of rape and crimes against humanity in the eastern DR Congo town of Baraka. It was a landmark case in a region where mass rape is used as a weapon of war and where perpetrators often walk free. Michelle Faul and Pete Muller report for the Associated Press.



    Veterans say rape cases mishandled

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    Veteran Kori Cioca, 25, of Wilmington, Ohio, tells how she was raped, and her jaw broken, while serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, during an interview in her attorney's office in Washington Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011. Cioca is a plaintiff among about a dozen women and at least one man suing Pentagon officials, seeking change in the military's handling of rape, and sexual assault cases. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
    Veteran Kori Cioca, 25, of Wilmington, Ohio, tells how she was raped, and her jaw broken, while serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, during an interview in her attorney's office in Washington Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011. Cioca is a plaintiff among about a dozen women and at least one man suing Pentagon officials, seeking change in the military's handling of rape, and sexual assault cases. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen) (Cliff Owen - AP)
    The Associated Press 
    Tuesday, February 15, 2011; 6:26 PM


    WASHINGTON -- More than a dozen U.S. veterans who say they were raped or assaulted by comrades filed a class-action suit in federal court Tuesday attempting to force the Pentagon to change how it handles such cases.

    The current and former service members - 15 women and two men - describe circumstances in which servicemen allegedly got away with rape and other sexual abuse while their victims were ordered to continue to serve with them.

    The suit names Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his predecessor, Donald H. Rumsfeld. The plaintiffs say individual commanders have too much say in how allegations are handled and that they want reforms in the system.

    The alleged attackers in the lawsuit include an Army criminal investigator and an Army National Guard commander. The abuse alleged ranges from obscene verbal abuse to gang rape.

    In one incident, an Army Reservist says two male colleagues raped her in Iraq and videotaped the attack. She complained to authorities after the men circulated the video to colleagues. Despite being bruised from her shoulders to elbows from being held down, she says charges weren't filed because the commander determined she "did not act like a rape victim" and "did not struggle enough" and authorities said they didn't want to delay the scheduled return of the alleged attackers to the United States.

    "The problem of rape in the military is not only service members getting raped, but it's the entire way that the military as a whole is dealing with it," said Panayiota Bertzikis, who is a plaintiff in the lawsuit and claims she was raped in 2006. "From survivors having to be involuntarily discharged from service, the constant verbal abuse, once a survivor does come forward your entire unit is known to turn their back on you. The entire culture needs to be changed."

    Although The Associated Press normally does not identify the victims of sexual assault, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit have publicly discussed the cases.

    Bertzikis, 29, of Somerville, Mass., now is executive director of the Military Rape Crisis Center. She says she was raped by a Coast Guard shipmate while out on a social hike with him in Burlington, Vt. Bertzikis complained to her commanding officer, but she said authorities did not take substantial steps to investigate the matter. Instead, she said, they forced her to live on the same floor as the man she had accused and tolerated others calling her a "liar" and "whore."

    Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said in a statement that sexual assault is a wider societal problem and that Gates has been working to ensure the military is doing all it can to prevent and respond to it.

    "That means providing more money, personnel, training and expertise, including reaching out to other large institutions such as universities to learn best practices," Morrell said. "This is now a command priority, but we clearly still have more work to do in order to ensure all of our service members are safe from abuse."

    The military had already planned to roll out a new hotline victims can call in April, said Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia O. Smith. It has another initiative that encourages service members to help those who are assaulted or raped. In 2005, the military created an office charged with preventing sexual assault. Victims can opt to file a "restricted" or confidential report that allows them to get medical attention without an investigation being triggered.

    Smith said in a statement that when commanders learn of accusations of misconduct they are responsible for investigating it and taking appropriate action. She said commanders have demonstrated "time and time again" in sexual assault cases and in others that they "take seriously the trust that comes with leadership and the need for good order and discipline."

    Sarah Albertson, a former Marine corporal who is one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, said that one of the hurdles in getting improvements in the system is that military commanders do not want any marks on their record such as a rape in their unit. Albertson alleges she reported she was raped in 2006 by a fellow Marine, but instead of helping her, she was forced to live one floor below the alleged perpetrator for two years.

    "People who did believe me and had my back and were supportive of me were still telling me, `Don't tell anybody about this, don't go to the public, don't let this get out because it will make the military look bad,'" Albertson said.

    In many of the described cases, no charges were filed. In other cases, the alleged attackers faced lesser charges and were allowed to remain in the military, according to the lawsuit.

    Kori Cioca, 25, of Wilmington, Ohio, described being hit in the face by a superior in one incident in 2005 and being raped by the same man in a second incident soon after while serving in the Coast Guard in Bay City, Mich.

    Even though the man confessed to having sex with her, Cioca said in the lawsuit she was told if she pressed forward with reporting the sex as a rape, she would be court-martialed for lying. She said the man pleaded guilty only to hitting her and his punishment was a minor loss of pay and being forced to stay on the base for 30 days. She said she was discharged from the military for a "history of inappropriate relationships."

    "You think of a Coast Guardsman, you think of somebody in the military holding themselves at a certain level," Cioca said. "When somebody walks up to you and shakes your hand and says, `Thank you for your service,' little do they know they're shaking the hand of a man who rapes and beats women in the military."

    "My body hurts every day. My face hurts. I get the most horrible headaches. My body has been trespassed. The honor that I had was stripped from me. I'm no longer proud of myself. People tell me thank you for your service, but my service wasn't what it was supposed to be," Cioca said.She said she continues to suffer from numbness in her jaw and has nightmares.

    Anuradha Bhagwati, 35, executive director of the Service Women's Action Network, said the Defense Department's own statistics show that fewer than one in five of these cases are even referred for court martial. She said unit commanders are the judge and the jury in these types of cases. Too often, she said, perpetrators are given non-judicial punishments.

    "A lawsuit like this is needed because change cannot happen on the inside. DoD has had literally decades, perhaps more, to change the culture within the military. They've proven that they can't, and even the minor changes they've made the last few years are so superficial," Bhagwati said.



    Service Women's Action Network:

    Defense Department's site on sexual assault prevention:


    South Africa: Few Good Men?

    FotoCredit: Getty Images

    by Azad Essa

    "He pulled me by my hair and dragged me to the entrance of the house. I knew he was taking me to the bedroom, and I knew what that would mean. His one hand pulled at my long hair, braided to my scalp while his other hand wrapped itself around my face, choking me, his fingers digging into my eyes .... I held on to the gate and refused to let him take me in - that was when he bit off half my ear."

    Three weeks earlier, 46-year-old Gugu Mofokeng had left the shelter where she had been living for a year - in hiding from her abusive former boyfriend. Her rehabilitation had been fruitful; she had volunteered for a community radio station and worked to nurture dialogue between abused women. She now planned to open her own shelter for abused women and children.

    But Mofokeng's ex-boyfriend tracked her down, begged for forgiveness and promised to help make her dream of opening a shelter a reality. At first things went well - he had money and a car. But Mofokeng struggled with the irony of the very man who had led her to a shelter helping her to open one for other abused women.

    Then the abuse resurfaced.

    "I had gone to a white Christian shelter for abused women, and so he started ... [accusing me of sleeping] with white men," Mofokeng explains. "When I told him that this won't work, it got worse."

    Her former boyfriend hounded her for days before the attack outside her home.

    Mofokeng's story may sound shocking, but it is not unusual in South Africa. Gender activists have long argued that violence against women in the country is at "epidemic" proportions. And despite the introduction of several pieces of legislation and the creation of the Commission for Gender Equality, few improvements have been forthcoming.

    A question of numbers
    A 2009 study conducted by the Medical Research Council (MCR) sent shockwaves across the country when it revealed that one in four men in the coastal provinces of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal admitted to committing rape.

    But the findings of a new report, the Gauteng Gender Violence Indicators Pilot Project, released to coincide with 16 days of international activism against gender violence, suggest the situation may be even worse than initially thought.

    Conducted in 1,000 homes across Gauteng, South Africa's most prosperous and populated province, which includes Johannesburg and the capital Pretoria, the study found that 78.3 per cent of men admitted to perpetrating some form of violence - whether emotional, physical or sexual - against women.

    A joint initiative by the MRC and the NGO Gender Links, the study involved in-depth interviews with men and women.

    Twenty-five per cent of the women interviewed said they had experienced some form of sexual violence - but only 3.9 per cent of these reported the crime to the police. One in 13 of the women surveyed said they had been raped by a non-partner, but just one in 25 rapes had been reported to the police.

    Of the men interviewed, 37.4 per cent admitted to committing an act of sexual violence at least once.

    Rachel Jewkes of the MRC said the findings did not make easy reading. "I think it is remarkable that so many men are willing to say 'yes we did it'," she says, adding that the study was the first of its kind because it attempted to map the prevalence of gender violence through a household survey. The sample used was representative of the population dynamics of the province, but was randomly selected and, crucially, did not rely on police data.

    comments_image 21 COMMENTS

    Why Women Who Pick and Process Your Food Face Daily Threats of Rape, Harassment and Wage Theft

    We all benefit from a hugely exploitative system, in which our dinner is now directly linked to violence against women.
    January 26, 2011  |  

    The report, "Injustice on Our Plates: Immigrant Women in the U.S. Food Industry," compiles the experiences of 150 immigrant women who came from Mexico or other Latin American countries to work in the food industry, both in fields and in factories, across the United States. The picture it paints is grim. Women, who make up nearly a quarter of U.S. farmworkers, face the same indignities that immigrant men face -- and then some.Chances are, you've never connected your dinner to violence against women. And yet, a new report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) makes that link.

    Mary Bauer, SPLC legal director, noted that after years of advocacy on behalf of immigrant women, there was a "glaring absence in the literature," a gap the new report is intended to fill. The findings of the report are intimately connected to the food Americans eat, as it is virtually impossible to eat in the United States without consuming some food that was grown, harvested or processed by immigrants. As Bauer says, "There is no one in the U.S. who is not benefiting from this deeply exploitative system."

    While the new report may be the first of its kind, the unique plight of immigrant women, particularly the sexual harassment and violence to which they are subjected, is not entirely undocumented. Eric Schlosser wrote of sexual harassment against women workers in a meat processing plant in his 2001 bestseller Fast Food Nation. In addition to the fondling and groping the women endured on the job, women also engaged in consensual relationships with supervisors to gain "a secure place in American society, a green card, a husband -- or at the very least a transfer to an easier job at the plant."

    And then there's the nonconsensual stuff: A 2008 piece in High Country Newsrevealed that farmworkers refer to one company's field as the "field of panties" because so many women workers are raped by supervisors. And as far back as 1993, the Southern Poverty Law Center found in its own study that 90 percent of female farm workers cite sexual harassment as a serious problem.

    However, sexual harassment and violence are only one piece of a larger puzzle. The story starts in the women's home countries -- typically Mexico or Guatemala. Some left home to escape domestic violence, and at least one interviewee, an educated woman in Mexico, was promised an office job in the United States only to find herself a victim of a human trafficking operation, forced into slave labor. However, "over and over again we heard the same thing," says Bauer, "Desperate poverty and wanting a better life for their children" drove the women to leave home and head north. For many, coming to the United States involves leaving their children behind. Thinking about the sad stories she's heard, Bauer notes, "It's got to be terrible, to choose between being with your children and feeding your children."

    The first hardship immigrant women face is crossing the border. With increased security at the border, going from 3,555 Border Patrol agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in 1992 to over 17,000 as of 2009, Bauer says, "the easy crossing options are going away." That means that rather than walking through a checkpoint in Tijuana with phony papers, more and more immigrants, including women, are forced to walk through the desert. To make the journey, many hire human traffickers, "coyotes," who are paid exorbitant amounts (from $1,500 to $10,000) upon successfully bringing the immigrants to an agreed-upon location. When bringing a large group, a coyote will not hesitate to leave a single straggler for dead in the desert, to avoid risking the big payoff that will be earned by delivering the others safely to the U.S.

    One woman profiled in SPLC's report, Araceli, was left in the desert by her group of 30 others, all men. Fortunately for her, after two days alone in the desert, another group of migrants found her and helped her finish the trek. Another woman, Elvira, describes how her smuggler was about to rape her when she saved herself by declaring, "I have AIDS." She was successful in averting rape, but the coyote ran away, leaving her alone in the desert. Fortunately, the Border Patrol found her and sent her back to Mexico, saving her life in the process. Sexual assault during the border-crossing is so common that some women reported taking birth control pills as a precautionary measure before they go.

    The massive increase in border protection has had the effect of solidifying the immigrant population in the U.S. In The Farmworkers' Journey, Ann Aurelia Lopez writes that prior to 1986, immigrants were primarily solitary men who came to the U.S. for seasonal work, who "left behind intact families, villages, and towns and planned to return to them after the harvest season." But this is no longer the case. Now that it is so difficult, costly, and even dangerous to cross the border, immigrants feel they cannot risk going back to Mexico because they might not be able to re-enter the U.S. Bauer recalled interviewees who were unable to return home even for important occasions, like seeing their elderly parents before they died. Lopez writes of similar scenarios, such as one man who worked in California's fields who had never met his two youngest sisters in Mexico. Conversely, his parents have never met his wife or children in the United States.

    Once in the United States, the types of work the immigrant women find in the food industry is grueling and it pays poorly. Unfortunately, the difficult working conditions are often the least of the immigrants' problems. In fact, the immigrants said again and again that they did not expect (or want) a handout; all they want is to work and to be paid for their work. And work they do -- but they are not always paid. "Virtually all" of the women interviewed for SPLC's report complained of wage theft. Some women reported occasions where they were not paid at all, but more often the women were paid for less work than they did.

    Wage theft can happen to immigrant men too. However, the immigrant women told of another form of exploitation that claims only female victims. When married couples work for the same employer, they are often paid in one paycheck in the husband's name. This practice is illegal, allowing employers to easily undercut minimum wage laws and subjecting women to their husband's financial control. In the longer term, if immigration reform is enacted, the women will have a difficult time proving their eligibility for legalization because -- at least on paper -- they were not working in the U.S.

    Americans are guaranteed, by law, a safe and healthy workplace, but in practice, immigrants working in the food industry get no such guarantee. Farmworkers, fewer than 10 percent of whom reported having employer-provided health insurance, are routinely exposed to toxic pesticides on the job. Many complain of headaches and other acute symptoms of exposure, but long-term chronic exposure results in far more devastating health problems. For women, working among these chemicals can mean giving birth to deformed children, such as one who was born without any arms or legs, or another infant who was born so deformed that doctors were unable to determine gender until the autopsy after the child died.

    Immigrants who work in meat processing plants are not exposed to chemicals, but they spend their days working among sharp knives and dangerous machinery. But those who lose body parts in accidents related to knives or machines at least have a better chance of receiving health care for their injuries. Far more common are injuries such as tendinitis, caused by making the same fast, repetitive motions for hours each day. While painful and debilitating, these injuries are often dismissed by the medical staff in the plants, and workers are sent back to work with little care or relief for their pain. The best safeguard against injuries from repetitive movements are sharp knives, but one worker whose job was to slice fat from chicken breasts reported that the company would deduct $10 from her paycheck if she requested a sharper knife.

    The women, by and large, found it difficult to complain to their employers about the many indignities, health hazards, and even crimes they faced on the job. Bauer reflected that, while some might think the women weren't complaining because they grew up in a different culture and were ignorant of U.S. laws, she doesn't believe that is the case. "Many women knew what was done to them was wrong and probably illegal. But other factors made them unwilling to come forward."

    Those who did complain were told they could quit if they did not like their working conditions, as there was no shortage of other immigrants lining up to replace them, and sometimes employers even threatened to turn undocumented immigrants in to the authorities if they spoke up. Bauer says, "We don't give enough credit to workers for making what is really a rational decision." That is, they choose to put up with humiliating, unsafe, horrific working conditions because it's better than the alternatives of not working at all, or returning to their home countries.

    Some of the women said if they knew what it would be like here in the U.S., they would not have come. Others say their lives are terrible in the United States, but they had no choice. After interviewing such a broad range of women for the report, Bauer says she was struck by the "weight of cumulative trauma" the women bore. "Many women suffered in so many ways with no significant report," she says. "You can absorb one really terrible incident, but when it's coming to you in so many ways it's courageous and brave to wake up every day and go to work."

    That's the courage that literally puts the food on Americans' tables.

    For Americans who no longer want to support a system of such exploitation, there are several available actions to take, although none are perfect. First, opt out of the system by procuring food that was not picked by poorly-paid immigrants. Most simply, grow your own food or buy it locally from farmers' markets. Of course, completely opting out of the mainstream exploitative food system is nearly impossible, unless you can get literally everything you need (including milk and meat) locally. But do the best you can. Another option is to buy organic, so at least whoever grew and harvested your food was not exposed to pesticides, although that only solves one problem out of many. And follow along with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' campaigns, calling on retailers to pay an extra penny per pound for tomatoes picked by immigrant labor and boycotting retailers that refuse. You could also support efforts of the Center for Farmworker Families, which works in both Mexico and the U.S. Long term, however, a political solution is needed, with not only immigration reform, but also a re-negotiation or abandonment of NAFTA, which single-handedly drove many Mexicans north once they were no longer able to feed their families on their family farms.

    Jill Richardson is the founder of the blog La Vida Locavore and a member of the Organic Consumers Association policy advisory board. She is the author of Recipe for America: Why Our Food System Is Broken and What We Can Do to Fix It..

    VIDEO: Nina Simone Documentary by Peter Rodis, 1969 > PUT ME ON IT

    Nina Simone

    Video: Nina Simone Documentary by Peter Rodis, 1969

    I'm not quite sure where I came across this documentary, I imagine from a tribute posted to honour Nina Simone's birthday last week, but I had to share it. Her fierce integrity and intensity are so striking when asked a question, as if she believed that surely everyone should know what she knew.

    I once watched an interview with Nina Simone not long before she died, and when asked what she thought of modern music (late 90s), she replied loftily that she didn't like any of it, which to my youthful ears was almost blasphemous. Little did I know just how high the stakes were for her as an artist - longing to become the first black concert pianist but being rejected from the college of her choice because of her skin colour, singing the music of her time for money when she'd rather be elsewhere playing Bach, supporting so many financially, fighting for freedom both as an artist and for her race. It is hard to imagine her trying to connect with artists born in to such a different world.

    One of my favourite parts of the film above, is when Simone says somewhat sadly that she would like to study English, in order to really discover the power of words, when she was already one of the greatest songwriters the world will ever know.  



    VIDEO: I Am Sean Bell

    mediathatmatters | Jun 24, 2010 |  likes, 3 dislikes

    Young boys reflect on the Sean Bell tragedy, speaking out about their fears and hopes as they approach manhood in a city where the lives of young black men are often cut short.

    More about I Am Sean Bell from filmmaker Stacey Muhammad

    I've loved film for as long as I can remember. Initially, screenwriting was my interest; however, I wanted to see my ideas come to life beyond the writing. This led to a desire to acquire the skills needed to actually produce my own projects. So, I embarked upon the journey of studying and learning as much about the filmmaking process as I possibly could by attending film school, workshops, and anything else I could find.

    First and foremost, I consider myself an activist, so I'm drawn to human issues and subjects that enlighten and uplift humanity while challenging us to examine our ideals and issues on this planet. I've always been drawn to documentary filmmaking, particularly as an activist. It's a powerful way to communicate with an audience.

    When I chose to do the Sean Bell film, I was extremely disturbed by the verdict and wanted to hear from the children, particularly young black boys, about their thoughts, fears and concerns regarding violence against black men. Most of the topics that interest me are those that give a voice to those often unheard populations of people, who indeed have stories to tell and victories to celebrate.

    One thing that I've learned is that life is what it is—meaning, everything we do and experience is connected. Often, we try to compartmentalize our lives and deal with different aspects of our experience (be it our personal lives, our career, etc.). Filmmaking, for me, is a spiritual process and journey. I've been prepared through life experiences, for each and every topic I choose to explore.

    So, my advice to any aspiring filmmaker would be to live your life with integrity, take care of yourself, learn as much about your craft as possible, commit to creating the life you desire and expect the universe to grant you everything you ask.
    Find out how to TAKE ACTION at